
Hometown Calendar

< 2016 >
September 10
  • 10
    September 10, 2016

    En Plein Air on Water Street in Princeton

    08:00 -15:00
    September 10, 2016
    In 2015, over a dozen artist from all over Wisconsin and as fas as Minnesota, set up their easels all over town to capture the setting of Princeton’s historic downtown and it’s natural beauty along the river and beyond. “En Plein Air” is a French expression which means “in the open air” and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors. Onlookers were able to watch works of art unfold almost before their eyes, as artists worked to complete their paintings in time for the reception where a group of jury’s selects their top 3 picks for cash awards!

    Wisconsin State Chili Cook Off Championship

    11:00 -17:00
    September 10, 2016

    The 2016 Wisconsin State Chili Cook Off Championship sponsored by the International Chili Society will be held again in Green Lake at Deacon Mills Park.   Approximately 40 cooks will start cooking their favorite recipes beginning at 11am.   Spectators can enjoy the festive atmosphere mingling with the chefs and sampling their salsas and other hot items.  Chili sampling begins at 3pm when the judges will determine who the new champion is.  The Green Lake Rotary Club will provide a local DJ and live entertainment, as well as selling their own delicious chili along with brats, dogs, nachos and lots of cold drinks!