no responses. July 8, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting
Veterans Donate Book To FDL Public Library Children’s Collection
Sarah Newton, youth services coordinator at the Fond du Lac Public Library, accepts a copy of the book, “Hero at Home,” written by Sarah Verardo. The […]
Readno responses. July 8, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting
Dodge County Sheriff’s Law of the Month Signaling Your Turn
We have had a lot of questions come in lately that involve turning and turn signals. Most of the questions are from frustrated citizens who have […]
Readno responses. July 6, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting
Names Released In Fatal Dodge County Accident
More details have been released about a fatal accident near Watertown in Dodge County. Sheriff’s officials say 21-year-old Kyle Kuehl of rural Watertown and 26-year-old Sarah […]