

no responses. November 7, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Election Turnout and Advisory Referendums

Election Turnout and Advisory Referendums

Advisory Referendums Pass Voters in a couple of area counties want the State Legislature to close the Dark Store property assessment loophole for big box retailers. […]


no responses. November 7, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Ballweg Wins Eighth Term

Ballweg Wins Eighth Term

State Representative Joan Ballweg got 63 percent of the vote Tuesday to win an eighth term representing the 41st State Assembly District. She defeated Democratic challenger […]


no responses. November 7, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Grothman Wins A Third Term In Congress

Grothman Wins A Third Term In Congress

Congressman Glenn Grothman won reelection to a third term representing the 6th Congressional District Tuesday. He received about 55 percent of the vote to Democratic challenger […]


no responses. November 7, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Wednesday 11/7/18

Wednesday 11/7/18

Dodge County Homicide Victim Identified Dodge County authorities have released the name of a homicide victim whose body was found last Wednesday at a Town of […]


no responses. November 6, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

General Election Voting Results

General Election Voting Results

    Governor: FDL/Winnebago/Green Lake County Unofficial Results    Winner in bold Scott Walker (Rep)27943/38368/5412 Tony Evers (Dem) 16440/35609/2633 U.S. Senator: Leah Vukmir (Rep) 25498/35282/4893 Tammy […]


no responses. November 6, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Former Ripon High School Teacher Pleads To Sexually Assaulting Student

Former Ripon High School Teacher Pleads To Sexually Assaulting Student

A former Ripon High School teacher has pleaded guilty to a sexual assault of a student by school staff charge. Twenty-nine-year-old Samantha Fitzpatrick entered the plea […]


no responses. November 6, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Waupun Food Drive Success

Waupun Food Drive Success

(Waupun Fire Department photo) The “Fill Our Tanks” food drive in Waupun Saturday was a success. The effort at the Fire Station and Piggly Wiggly store […]


no responses. November 6, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Tuesday 11/6/18

Tuesday 11/6/18

Heavy Voter Turnout Expected Expect a lot of company at the polls if you plan on voting today in Fond du Lac County. County Clerk Lisa […]


no responses. November 5, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Sixth Congressional District Race

Sixth Congressional District Race

For the first time in his three runs for the 6th Congressional District seat incumbent Congressman Glenn Grothman is facing a well-financed opponent. Democrat Dan Kohl […]


no responses. November 5, 2018 Hometown Broadcasting

Fire Damages Garage In The Town Of Taycheedah

Fire Damages Garage In The Town Of Taycheedah

Fire damaged an attached two-car garage of a home at N8128 County Highway QQ in the Town of Taycheedah late Sunday night. Fond du Lac County […]
