Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday 12/12/19
12 December 2019 News
Water Main Break Leads To Oshkosh School Cancellation
Classes at Perry Tipler Middle School and ALPs Charter School in Oshkosh are cancelled for today due to a water main break from cold temperatures. The break occurred Wednesday and school was held as usual because there was still water access. However there will be no classes or after school activities at the school today to allow contractors to fix the break.
Columbia County Walk Away Sought
Authorities in Columbia County are asking the public for help in locating a 34-year-old work release inmate that failed to return to the County jail. Marcos Antonio Avila was supposed to report back by 7 am Monday morning. He was serving a six month sentence for domestic disorderly conduct and battery to police charges. Avila had been living at a residence on West Wisconsin Street in Portage prior to his sentencing.
Waupun Common Council Approves ATV Ordinance
Waupun’s Common Council this week approved an ordinance that will allow the use of all-terrain vehicle on city streets. ATV’s and UTV’s will be able to operate on all designated city streets with the exception of county and state highways or connecting highways with a speed limit above 35 miles an hour. ATV use will be prohibited from 10 pm to 6 am in the city. Mayor Julie Nickel says ATVS can’t be used until signage is put up, which could take three to four months.
Trump Continues Battle Against Illegal Immigration
Congressman Glenn Grothman says despite receiving no help from Congress President Donald Trump has been able to do something about reducing the number of illegal immigrants entering our southern borders. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says Trump negotiated agreements with Mexico and Central America countries. He says as a result the number of illegal immigrants getting into the country has been reduced. “So we’ve gone from a position in May in which over 100,000 people who were placed in this country to more recently under a 1,000 of course I’m not including the people who are here legally I’m talking about other people and that is because of like I said the efforts that President Trump has made.” Grothman says President has done a good job without backing from Congress and the effort has not been well publicized.
ADVOCAP Head Start
An official with ADVOCAP’s Head Start program in Fond du Lac and Green Lake counties says they try and prepare children for their next step in the education process. Head Start has a half-day program for 3-year-olds and they collaborate with the Ripon Area School District on a kindergarten program for 4-year-olds. Roxanne Henning is the Center Operations Manager for ADVOCAP she says they have buildings in Markesan, Ripon, and Berlin. With their curriculum for 3-year-olds they start by teaching children how to build a school family. “So that’s the developing of those relations and then using breathing techniques to self-regulate and then we teach children the skills that they are missing instead of giving punishment.” She says they also have a creative curriculum which is play-based to teach reading and math through games and also teach them social-emotional skills. There are about 257 children in ADVOCAP’s Head Start programs in Fond du Lac and Green Lake counties.
Holiday Closings For Green Lake County Government Announced
Green Lake County has announced its closings for government offices over the holidays. The Government Center and Highway Department will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 24th and 25th for the Christmas holiday and Tuesday and Wednesday, December 31st and January 1st for the New Year’s holiday. Fox River Industries will be closed Tuesday, December 24th through Wednesday, January 1st.
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