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Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 12/10/19

10 December 2019 News


Columbus Man Sentenced On Child Pornography Charge

A Dodge County judge Monday sentenced a 54-year-old Columbus man to 6 years in prison and 6 years of extended supervision on a child pornography possession charge. The state’s Department of Justice executed a search warrant at David Brickett’s residence in January of 2018 and the registered sex offender admitted he had pictures of nude underage boys on his electronic devices. Brickett told agents during an interview that he was primarily attracted to males from age seven to twenty-seven. Two other felony charges brought against Brickett were read into the record and dismissed.

Ripon Common Council Preview

The Ripon Common Council will hold their final meeting of 2019 this evening. They will consider approving increases in rates for certain ambulance services. In a letter to the Council EMS Chief John Teachout notes they have not had a fee increase for services provided or supplies in the past three years. He says their fee structure is comparable with other services in Fond du Lac County. The Council will also consider approving the Business Improvement District’s Operating Plan, something they do on an annual basis. The Council meets at 7 pm at the City Hall.

Vehicle Cheesed

We’re waiting for a longer explanation about a complaint Waupun Police took Friday night in the 700 block of South Madison Street about a vehicle that was vandalized. This brief description was offered “A vehicle was cheesed.” Questions that come to mind include whether it was spreadable cheese or came in an aerosol-type can. The type of cheese might also affect how much damage was done. Then again maybe someone dropped a heavy wheel of cheese on it.

Incumbents Not Seeking Reelection Urged To File Non Candidacy Papers

Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg is asking any incumbent candidates that have decided not to seek reelection this spring to file their non-candidacy papers before the January 7th deadline. That’s when other office seekers need to have their nomination papers in by. She says if an incumbent decides not to run again and doesn’t file non-candidacy papers by that deadline the deadline is extended for that office by three days. She says it holds up the process particularly when they are trying to get ballots out as quickly as possible for absentee voting. “The deadlines are so tight for us already I’m already putting names on that ballot  because in Fond du Lac County I want the ballots to be out there as quickly as I possibly can get them out there before the given election for absentee voting.” All 25 seats for the Fond du Lac County Board will be up for election. Freiberg says Supervisor Judy Goldsmith, who represents District 25, has already filed non-candidacy papers. When Goldsmith finishes her term on the board next spring she will have served on it for 18 years.

Ripon Area United Way Halfway To Goal

The Ripon Area United Way campaign is about half way to its goal of raising $85,000. Board of Directors President Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says they will be helping fund 17 agencies and their services with campaign donations. “Man of them are located right here in Ripon. Some of them are agencies for instance they are located in Fond du Lac but provide services here. Sexual abuse services, family support services those kinds of things are outside the community but have specific presence and support in our community.” Among the agencies and services getting United Way funding are the Community Food Pantry, Imagination Library program, the Boys and Girl Scouts, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Fond du Lac County, the BRAVE program, ASTOP, and a Vacation Bible School to mention a few.

Ripon Senior Activity Center Christmas Party Friday

Those planning to attend the Ripon Senior Activity Center’s Christmas Party at City Hall Friday can save a buck if they pay by today. The cost is $7 today, but goes up to $8 for the rest of the week. Center Director Noreen Johnson says there will be catered broasted chicken or ham lunch with sides. “The menu is the broasted chicken and ham; I think German potato salad and other sides from Webster’s. At eleven o’clock we will have some social time, at 11:30 the jazz band from the high school plays.” The meal will be served in the Council Chambers. From 1 to 3:30 pm there will be games, desserts, a cookie exchange, and a Christmas movie. From 3:30 to 4:30 there will be some time with students from Barlow Park Elementary School and the Journey School.

Youth Get In Free At AirVenture The Next Two Years 

Anyone age 18 or younger will be able to enter the 2020 AirVenture free.  The Experimental Aircraft Association has accepted financial support from Boeing to help cover the costs for those admissions the next two years.  An increased fee for advanced adult admissions for AirVenture and value-added opportunities will provide the additional support for that program.  

Toys for Tots Gets Some Help

The Republican Party of Fond du Lac County and No Better Friend Corps are teaming up to brighten the Christmas season for less fortunate kids in Wisconsin by collecting new unwrapped toys for the Marine Corps Reserve’s ‘Toys for Tots’ program. Those who would like to participate can bring new, unwrapped toys to the Republican Party of Fond du Lac County’s annual Christmas party, which is Thursday night at  6 pm at Gino’s Italian in Fond du Lac.  
