Effort To Increase FDL County Board Pay Fails
30 October 2019 News
Efforts to change the salary Fond du Lac County supervisors receive fell short during several votes Tuesday night. Supervisors currently receive $3,000 a year plus per diems, and mileage for other committee meetings, board, and commission meetings. A resolution would have changed the salary to $3,500 a year. An effort to drop that back down to $3,000, but bump up the per diem for other meetings including pay for non-board members failed by vote of 9 in favor and 14 against. The original resolution to increase the salary by $500 also failed with 11 voting in favor and 12 against. It needed a two-thirds vote in favor to pass. That means the pay for county supervisors will remain the same after the new county board is seated following the April election.
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