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Help May Be Available To Municipalities Dealing With Flood Damage

4 October 2019 News

(City of Waupun photo)

Fond du Lac County Communications and Emergency Management Director Bobbi Hicken says unless homeowners had insurance for this week’s flooding there may not be much financial assistance for damaged property. She says there was flooding in Fond du Lac and more so in Waupun, but other areas of the county were also hit. “Talking with the other municipalities and there are a couple that have had roads that were damaged and as the water is receding they are finding need to be replaced.” She says municipalities might be able to get some help from the state aid if they meet a certain threshold for costs to deal with the damage. She notes this isn’t the type of thing a county, city, town or village usually budgets for. Areas of the county received 3 to 6 inches of rain causing some rivers to overflow their banks.
