Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday 9/26/19
26 September 2019 News
Iron Ridge Man Suspected In Drug Overdose Death
An Iron Ridge man is suspected of 1st degree reckless homicide in the death of a Waupun woman. Twenty-eight-year-old Timothy Sedlmeier will make an initial appearance on that charge on October 7th in Dodge County court. Nineteen-year-old Samantha Mattila died of an overdose on October 23rd of 2017. Sedlmeier told investigators he found her slumped over in a bathtub and believes she found heroin he had stashed in a drawer for himself. He admitted buying the heroin for himself, but claims he did not supply her with it. The reckless homicide charge carries a maximum penalty of 40 years in prison.
Ripon School District Officials Pleased With State Testing Results
Officials with the Ripon Area School District are pleased with recent student scores on state testing. Curriculum Director Chrissy Damm says they’ve implemented new math programs that helped third through eighth grades students test well on the Wisconsin Forward Exam. “We are really, really proud of how well our students have done on the Wisconsin Forward Test. When we look at each of our grade levels we have far exceeded the state average in both English Language Arts as well as Math.” Damm says the combined results for third through eighth graders on the testing was also well above the district state average. Damm says they will also be looking at math programs to help their high school students improve their scores for the test they take when they are juniors which is used for college admittance. District Superintendent Mary Whitrock says the scores on these tests also become part of the District report cards for the state and part of their own annual report.
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ADVOCAP Receives Grant To Help Low Income Business Owners
The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corp. and ADVOCAP have received grants from the U.S. Small Business Administration to help low-income entrepreneurs. The Business Initiative was awarded $198,000 and ADVOCAP received $128,694. The awards will support their efforts to train and provide technical assistance to strengthen Wisconsin-based economically disadvantaged businesses. ADVOCAP serves Fond du Lac, Green Lake, and Winnebago counties.
Proposal To Make District Of Columbia A State
Congressman Glenn Grothman says one of the committees he sits on held a hearing last week in which they listened to a proposal to make the District of Columbia a state. Those who put forth the proposal pitched it seriously. Grothman says D.C. is smaller in square miles than Green Lake County. “You know the District of Columbia is just not that big, it’s something like 80 or 90 squares miles. Nowhere near the size of say Green Lake County. Population under 600,000.” He points out making the District of Columbia a state would give others states less say on how we run our government. He feels our forefathers never anticipated making the District a state when it was founded. He notes there have also been proposals to make Puerto Rico a state, which he also feels would be a mistake.
Ripon Area Fire District Celebrating 150th Anniversary Saturday
The Ripon Historical Society discovered something interesting when they went through boxes containing history for the Ripon Area Fire District; the department is celebrating its 150th Anniversary this year. Fire Chief Tim Saul says that is a big deal and they will be celebrating Saturday with a parade down Watson Street at 3 pm and activities following at Barlow Park.“I thought it was something that we should do to recognize the fire district, the members who give all their time to let us have the quality fire department that we have and the community to let them know we are here for them and we have been for a long time and we are going to continue to be, but we thought it needed to be celebrated.” The community is welcome at the celebration that will include family fun and activities, food and beverages a live performance by CAT5 from 4 to 7 pm and fireworks at dusk.
Third Annual Ripon Entrepreneurial Development Program Introduction
Ripon Main Street is sponsoring Ripon’s third Entrepreneurial Development Program. The course is designed for those who are considering starting a business. In addition, the program can also benefit existing small businesses that are interested in expanding. As a preview to the program, those interested are welcome to attend a free introduction to business-planning discussion entitled “Starting a Business in Ripon” next Tuesday from 5:30 to 7:30 pm which will take place in the lower level of the Ripon Public Library. The one-evening course will talk about some of the basics that go into a start-up business. The session will also allow perspective entrepreneurs to sign up for the Entrepreneurial Training Program.
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