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  • Big Boy Steam Engine Visits Friesland

Big Boy Steam Engine Visits Friesland

26 July 2019 News

(Photos courtesy Good Karma Broadcasting)

The largest operating steam engine in the world made a stop in Friesland Thursday morning. Big Boy is making the rounds as part of the 150th anniversary of the transcontinental railroad. There were only 25 built and the 132-foot-long, one million-plus pound, recently-restored engine is the only one on the tracks. Dick and Pat Luckert of Horicon were not train enthusiasts until their grandson Paul developed a passion. They stood along the tracks with a handmade sign welcoming Ed, the engineer who pilots Big Boy. Grandson Paul, who traveled from Butler, was beaming from ear-to-ear. Spectators still have opportunities to see Big Boy in Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska before Union Pacific 4014 pulls back into the station where it started in Cheyenne, Wyoming.


