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Extra Enforcement On FDL County Highways This Summer

8 May 2019 News

(Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt)

Federal grant money administered through the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Department will help pay for increased traffic enforcement and drug interdiction efforts on area roads this summer. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says they were awarded $55,000 in funding they can use in June, July and August. They will partner with police departments across the county during the efforts, which will concentrate on those two specific purposes. “Those patrols aren’t taking calls for service they are not out responding to calls or anything like that their sole focus is highway safety so they are out there stopping speeders and reckless drivers and looking for drunk drivers and drugged drivers.” In western Fond du Lac County participating in the grant enforcement efforts are police departments from the city of Ripon and town of Ripon, and Rosendale and Brandon-Fairwater Police Departments.
