2/27/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Monday
27 February 2023 News
Two Arrested in Separate Snowmobiling Incidents in FDL County
Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies responded to two separate incidents involving snowmobiles Saturday. The first was just before 3 pm when a snowmobile on Lake Winnebago went through thin ice. Bystanders threw the 31-year-old Fond du Lac man a rope and got him safely to shore where Fond du Lac paramedics checked him out. He was arrested for his first operating while intoxicated offense. The incident happened a few hundred feet from the lighthouse at Lakeside Park.
The second incident occurred shortly before 6:30 pm on County Highway HHH near County Highway G in the Town of Calumet. A 69-year-old Menasha man was tossed over the handlebars of his sled when he lost control and his snowmobile struck the road at the road crossing. He was flown from the scene to a hospital with suspected serious injuries. He was wearing a helmet. He was arrested for his first operating while under the influence offense.
Marquette County DA Opening
Governor Tony Evers is seeking applicants for Marquette County District Attorney. The appointment will fill a vacancy being created by District Attorney Brian J. Juech’s resignation which becomes effective March 10th. The new district attorney will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term that ends in January of 2025. To apply email a completed application form and supporting materials to the Governor’s application email address (GovDAapp@wisconsin.gov ). Applications must be received by 5 pm on Friday, March 17th. The application is available on the “Apply to Serve” page of Governor Evers’ website.
Special Needs Alert Forms
The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office is making “Special Needs Alert Forms” available to aid first responders. Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, and EMS Professionals encounter individuals every day who struggle with disabilities such as blindness, cognitive impairment, deafness, prone to seizures, and others. Knowing someone is autistic and also knowing what may upset them or calm them down can be helpful in finding the best solution possible for that person and their family. The forms are available on the Sheriff’s Office website on the Sheriff’s Office App available for download from your Android or Apple App Store. Once the information is received it will be maintained in the countywide records management system and available to first responders, as well as 911 communications professionals.
Game Changers
Green Lake County Chief Deputy Matt Vande Kolk says they are fortunate to have the financial support of County residents to purchase equipment that provides better protection for their deputies and service to their communities. Some of that equipment comes with the need to train those who use it. For instance deputies recently trained on Hovercraft on the Fox River in Berlin where it wasn’t completely iced over. Vande Kolk says with the Hovercraft it is not like driving a car because you’re floating on a cushion of air which take skill and ability to operate. He says a couple of game changers for them have been a drone unit and an armored vehicle they use for more dangerous calls.
Winnebago County CIP
The Winnebago County Board of Supervisors tomorrow night will be looking at approving the Capital Improvements Plan for this year. The county works off a five-year plan, but the resolution they are considering will be for this year’s projects. County Supervisor Jacob Floam says they are considering repaving a number of roads including County Highway JJ and County Highway F. There are also improvements slated for Waukau Creek Dam, the Highway Department Office, and Jail. The UW-Fox Cities is scheduled for a number of renovations and upgrades. Floam says he’s not sure if the county can continue to fund campus improvements the way it has in the future and would like to discuss that with campus officials at some point. The board meets at the County Courthouse in Oshkosh tomorrow night at 6 pm.
Heart Disease
A cardiologist with SSM Health’s Fond du Lac Regional Clinic says there are several things that can be done about heart disease before it becomes too serious. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. with one in three deaths attributed to it. Dr. Tadeo Balderama says caught early enough it can be treated with medication while later along they may have to seek a surgical option. He says to pay attention to your health for signs of heart disease such as difficulty in breathing when you climb a set of stairs. Crushing chest pain would be an obvious sign. He recommends calling your primary care physician if you experience a significant change in your health. February is American Heart Month.
State Representative Plumer Budget Listening Sessions
State Representative Jon Plumer will be listening to constituents concerns about the proposed state budget during five upcoming listening sessions. On Wednesday, March 8th the state lawmaker from Lodi will be at the Pardeeville Village Hall from 2:30 to 3:30 pm and at the Montello Public Library from 4 to 5 pm. On Thursday, March 9th he will be at the Ripon City Hall from 1 to 2 pm, the Markesan City Hall from 2:30 to 3:30 pm and the Randolph Village Hall from 4 to 4:30 pm. Residents of the 42nd State Assembly District are welcome to attend the listening sessions.
Migratory Bird Season Proposal
The state’s Department of Natural Resources will be holding a series of public meetings to present information on its proposal for the 2023 through 2025 migratory bird seasons. Proposed details will be finalized and available for public review following tomorrow’s Migratory Game Bird Committee meeting. The DNR is moving to a multi-year season setting structure to simplify the regulation process. In-person meetings are scheduled in La Crosse on Tuesday, March 7th and at Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton on Thursday, March 9th. A zoom meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 8th. People can join online using the Meeting ID: 822 3871 8595 or by calling 312-626-6799. All three meetings begin at 7 pm.
Sturgeon Season Wraps Up
The 2023 Sturgeon Spearing Season wrapped up Sunday going the full 16 days. Fifty-three Lake Sturgeon were harvested on Lake Winnebago. Josh Ausloos had the biggest fish of the day, a106.9 pounder that measured 75.4 inches in length. It was registered at the Pipe registration station. The season started out with about 3,000 ice shanties, which is half of what was counted in 2022. For the season 1,405 fish were harvested on the entire Winnebago system. For comparison, 1519 fish were harvested last year when ice conditions were ideal. There were plenty of big fish with 46 sturgeon harvested over 100 pounds. The largest fish this season was a 177.3 pound fish that measured 79.9 inches in length speared on Lake Winnebago.
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