1/7/23 Artist Will Ault Brinker Featured at Town Square Lobby Gallery
7 January 2023 News
GREEN LAKE, WI, – The Town Square Lobby Gallery will feature the
work of West Salem resident Will Ault Brinker for the month of January. The gallery is open
during Town Square’s regular winter hours, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m – 5 p.m.
His medium is monotypes, which is the impression made on a plate and transferred to paper,
creating a one-of-a-kind image. Ault Brinker elaborates that “(M)onotypes have the beautiful
atmospheric glow that ink gets when it is forced into paper. At the same time they have the
vigorous marks and brush strokes of a painting.”
Ault Brinker is an ordained minister and received his Master of Fine Arts from the Vermont
College of Fine Art. Early in his church career in Cleveland, Ohio, he reflected on the beginning
and end of time while presiding over weddings and funerals. The steel industry was also
collapsing during this period and he witnessed the change in the lives of his congregation and
Cleveland. “Time, beginnings and endings, is at the center of my work as an artist,” Ault Brinker
explains. “To this end, I invented methods of drawing that explore time in an imaginary way,
creating atmospheric compositions with abstract shapes using non-traditional art tools.”
Ault Brinker has exhibited in Japan, Germany and Mexico, where he also taught printmaking.
Town Square is excited to welcome this talented artist to Green Lake for the first time.
Town Square Community Center is located at 492 Hill Street in Green Lake. The Lobby Gallery
is devoted to showcasing local artists, and is the popular local showcase for the latest works of
the area’s most outstanding artists.
Photo Credit: Will Ault Brinker
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