10/21/22 Josh Kaul Runs for a Second Term as Wisconsin Attorney General
21 October 2022 News
Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul says protecting public safety remains his top priority as he runs for a second term in office. Kaul grew up in Fond du Lac and Oshkosh. He says when he decided to run for his first term he was looking at improving what the Department of Justice is doing to protect the public. Among his accomplishments was launching a statewide sexual assault kit tracking system. He’s also made moves to make schools safer, preserve our natural resources, and support law enforcement. Kaul says his Safer Wisconsin proposal would invest millions in community policing and officer recruitment, retention, and wellness programs. It would also increase funding for law enforcement training. He says a settlement with drug makers over the opioid crisis will provide much needed money for enforcement, treatment and recovery programs. He’s also fought to have Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion law repealed in the wake of the overturning of the Roe versus Wade decision. Kaul faces Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney in the November 8th election.
To hear an interview with Josh Kaul click here.
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