2/21/22 COVID 19 Report Friday
21 February 2022 News
Entering the weekend Wisconsin is one month removed since the peak of the COVID-19 omicron variant which hit a 7-day rolling average of 18,810 cases per day on January 19th. Friday that average had declined to 1,371 cases a day. The percentage of cases testing positive for the virus has also rolled back over that month from a high of 29.5 percent to 7.8 percent on Friday. Twenty-three deaths were reported to the Department of Health Services last Friday, but 12 of those were within the last 30 days. Sixty-five (65) people were admitted to hospitals with the coronavirus. The Wisconsin Hospital Association reported 729 COVID-19 patients in the 138 hospitals across the state with 149 of those people in intensive care units.
Winnebago County reported 69 new COVID-19 cases and 4 deaths Friday. Twenty-three (23) new cases were recorded in Fond du Lac County and Dodge County had 25 new cases and 1 death. No new cases were reported in Green Lake County, Waupaca County had 16 new cases, and Waushara County reported 7 new cases of the coronavirus.
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