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Eastern Wisconsin Excellence In Education Awards Program

15 January 2022 News

We are excited to announce that twenty-seven school districts are partnering with Channel 5 to
recognize exceptional school employees in a program called “Eastern Wisconsin Excellence in
Education.” This program is similar to the “Golden Apple” and “Shining Stars” programs in
Green Bay and the Fox Valley.
This program allows parents, students, community members, and staff to nominate deserving
school employees in the following categories:
● Innovation in work (How has the employee demonstrated innovation in their work
● Culture creator in the work environment (How has the employee gone above and
beyond in creating a positive school culture?)
● Social/emotional well being (How has the employee impacted the social/emotional well
being of students and/or the school environment?)
● Community involvement (How has the employee positively impacted the community?)
● Student connection (In what ways has the employee built positive relationships with
Nominations need to be submitted by February 4, 2022. Following the submission deadline, a
panel of judges will review each nomination to determine finalists. These finalists will then be
asked to elaborate on the work outlined in the nomination. The judges will then select the
award recipients in each of the five categories.
The awards show ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2022 at the Kiel Area School
District Performing Arts Center. The program will be live streamed on Channel 5’s,
WeAreGreenBay.com website.
The nomination form will be available on the websites of all 27 school districts, as well as social
media outlets and found within local newspapers
