Ripon Issues Boil/Bottled Water Advisory
1 December 2021 News
Due to a loss in pressure in its water system the City of Ripon has issued a boil/bottle water notice to its residents. It is required by the Wisconsin Department of Resources if there is a risk of contamination in the drinking water. People should use commercially bottled water for drinking, food preparation, and making ice. If you boil water, the water should be heated to a rolling boil for at least one minute before use. Ice should be made from boiled or bottled water. Water is safe to use for washing and showering. The City will flush water mains to remove potentially contaminated water. Disinfection is also being increased at city wells. When sampling shows no bacteria the DNR will inform the city it is safe to discontinue the boil/bottle water advisory.
To read the notice click here.
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