Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 11/2/21
2 November 2021 News
Ripon Participating In Worker Relocation Incentive Program
During last week’s common council meeting the Ripon Common Council unanimously approved participating in Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Worker Incentive Relocation Program. Through the program employers in the county can offer up to $15,000 in incentives if a worker is willing to relocate to the county. If the worker lives in the county and stays employed with that employer for a year the employer gets half of that incentive back through the program. The resolution approved by the Ripon Common Council would limit the incentive to $6,000 and the worker would have to live within the city limits. It’s hoped the incentive will help the city recruit workers. The city recently had a tough time getting applicants for a hybrid Finance Director/Assistant City Administrator position.
FDL County Board Preview
Two public hearings will be held during tonight’s Fond du Lac County Board meeting. The first at 6:15 pm is on the final plan for county and municipal redistricting. The second at 6:30 pm is on the proposed 2022 Fond du Lac County Budget. Later in the meeting the Board will act on adopting the final county supervisory district plan. Supervisors will also consider the formula for sharing the Fond du Lac County sales and use tax dollars with the cities, villages, and towns located within the county for budget year 2022. The Board meets at 6 pm in the legislative chambers of the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
Sonic Tagging Study
The DNR Oshkosh fisheries staff has started a new sonic tagging study on the movement of walleye on the Winnebago System. The study will help evaluate adult walleye movement and habitat use on the system, including spring spawning runs on the upper Fox and Wolf Rivers. The study will include tagging adult walleye with sonic tags during electrofishing surveys throughout the system, including Lake Winnebago and the upper Fox River. The sonic tags will be surgically implanted in the abdomen. DNR staff recently tagged 74 fish during fall electrofishing surveys on Lake Winnebago in several areas including Black Wolf (24), Grundman County Boat Landing (19), Asylum Bay (14), Paynes Point (13), Pipe (3) and Fond du Lac (1).
Questions About Pregnancy And The COVID 19 Vaccine
One of the doctors who participated in a virtual COVID-19 vaccine Q & A forum for the Fond du Lac region last Thursday was an Obstetrics/Gynecology Physician. Dr. Ted Miller is Chief of Staff at SSM Health Ripon Community Hospital. He says almost as soon as the vaccine became available last December misinformation began surfacing on social media about infertility and how the vaccine affects pregnant women. He says no reputable well-known national health organization has come out saying there is an infertility issue for women if they receive the vaccine. He says if a pregnant woman contracts COVID-19 she is much more likely to end up in an intensive care unit than a woman who is not pregnant. Dr. Miller urges people to go to reliable websites or talk with a doctor or pharmacist they trust if they have questions about the vaccine.
State Legislators Take Up Redistricting This Month
Municipalities and counties aren’t the only government entities approving redistricting and the maps that go with it. The State Legislature will be taking that up this month so the redistricting will be complete in time for the next election. State Senator Joan Ballweg says the 14th State Senate District needed to grow by about 5,000 people over the last 10 years, but other counties in other districts grew faster, which will be reflected in the new maps. Each Senate District will represent 179,000 people. She says concerns and suggestions left on the public website about keeping together communities of interest will also be reflected in the new maps. The Fond du Lac County Board takes up redistricting at its meeting tonight.
Ripon College Presidency In Transition
Over the next few months the roles of two people at Ripon College will go through a dramatic change. After nine years as President of the 170 year old college Zach Messitte will be retiring. He will be returning to his hometown of Washington, D.C. He says he won’t be retiring he has another job lined up as a consultant, but his parents are getting older and he’d like to see some old friends as well. Meanwhile Andrea Young will become interim President and the first female president in the College’s history. But she says for now she is busy with her role as Vice President for Finance and is slowly working toward the transition. A nationwide search will be conducted for Ripon College’s 14th president.
Osh-Buy Website Improved
The public is encouraged to use the city of Oshkosh’s improved “Osh-Buy” online auction website for opportunities to bid on surplus city equipment, furniture, and other items. The website has been updated with new features and went online Monday. The site is also open for new user registrations on its improved platform. The “Osh-Buy” website has been selling city of Oshkosh surplus items since 2012. “Osh-Buy” is currently accepting bids for security cameras, desktop computers and other equipment. Items are sold in as-is condition. To access the “Osh-Buy” website visit the city’s website and click on “Osh-Buy” under the “Services” tab at the top.
City of Oshkosh Official Website
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