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Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 2/8/21

8 February 2021 News

Check On Your Neighbors During Times Of Bitter Cold

Fond du Lac County’s Communications and Emergency Management Director Bobbi Hickens urges residents to check on their neighbors during the bitterly cold temperatures. Hicken says not everyone has an adequate heating system or for that matter proper shelter. “People just need to be prepared, watch out for one another. If you know that you have a neighbor that doesn’t have heat or doesn’t have a lot of heat check on them make sure they are okay. Have plans stay with family if you can.” The state’s Department of Health Services has tips for the extremely cold temperatures as well among them; limit your time outdoors, know the signs of hypothermia and frostbite, make sure you have adequate supplies in your home and vehicle emergency kit, make sure your furnace is working properly, and limit pets time outdoors.

COVID Vaccine Registry

Ripon Community COVID 19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says a statewide registry for those who want to get vaccine will be beneficial. Ten municipalities will go live with it on February 15th and after that it will go statewide. “The intention is you can put in your birthday, your information,  your job, your comorbidities and it will tell you if you’re in a current group that is qualified to get the vaccine now if not it will put you on a waiting list for a time when your group comes up.” He says one problem with the registry is it has to be done online and you will be contacted by email when the vaccine becomes available for you. He notes not everyone has the internet or understands how it or email works. Puhlmann-Becker says that is one issue the task force is working on.

Congressman Grothman Cosponsors Pipeline Bill

Congressman Glenn Grothman is one of the co-sponsors of a bill that urges the completion of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says he’s not sure how much traction it will get but sponsors are hoping it will put pressure on the Biden Administration to complete construction of the pipeline. He says it’s unfortunate because while President Biden is pushing for a National minimum wage of $15 an hour thousands of jobs that pay well disappeared when the plug was pulled on the pipeline. “It is such a disaster of course there were 10,000 good paying jobs. Kind of frustrating you know President Biden talks about $15 an hour jobs and here you had jobs that were $80,000 to $100,000 a year jobs.” He says halting construction of the pipeline also didn’t help our relationship with Canada, which is a major trading partner with the U.S. He also feels the pipeline is a safer way of transporting oil than by truck or rail.

Sturgeon Season Forecast

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources photo

The DNR is expecting nearly ideal conditions for the Sturgeon Spearing season that kicks off this Saturday on Lake Winnebago and the Upriver Lakes. DNR Winnebago System Sturgeon Biologist Ryan Koenigs says water clarity is better than it has been in recent years, which is crucial in spearing success. The DNR is expecting high harvest numbers from Lake Winnebago and for harvest caps to be met before the 16-day cutoff. DNR staff, during a preliminary clarity check, encountered 10 to 16 feet of water clarity.  Historical harvest data shows that an average lake-wide clarity of 12 feet or greater typically results in a shortened season with harvest caps being met more quickly.

Waupun Memorial Hospital Receives Portable Ventilator

Shelly Brown (left), respiratory therapist, and Christal Bruesch, lead respiratory therapist at Waupun Memorial Hospital, are shown with a free transport ventilator received through the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. 

Waupun Memorial Hospital recently received a free transport ventilator through the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. The new portable ventilator is a perfect complement to ventilators already in place at Waupun Memorial Hospital. The hospital identified this equipment necessity when planning initial responses to the COVID-19 crisis and potential surge of patients. Waupun Memorial Hospital Lead Respiratory Therapist Christal Bruesch says the ventilator’s ease of use and many good features is a great new tool they can use as they care for patients with COVID-19.

FDL Public Safety Referendum

Fond du Lac’s local police association is supporting an April 6th public safety referendum in the city that would add six additional police officers and six additional firefighter/paramedics to cover the city’s growing public safety needs. Charles Beckford is the President of the Fond du Lac Professional Police Association. He says during an internal vote of its membership the officers overwhelmingly supported the measure. Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the city last March, police have responded to increased calls of drug overdoses, suicides, and other mental illness calls for service, resulting in significant overtime costs. Beckford says passing the referendum would be good for both public safety and officer safety.

Alternative Ag Showcase

Envision Greater Fond du La will host an alternative Agricultural Showcase this year amid the coronavirus pandemic. As an alternative to the traditional event, the Agri-Business Council is looking to still educate the consumer through a bag full of educational materials and agricultural food products that can be pre-ordered by the public. The Fond du Lac Area Ag Showcase Sampler Bag will contain cheese, sausage, and other agricultural ‘goodies’ from the area’s finest producers. Packages are available now through online ordering. They are $20 each with shipping available at an additional cost. Pick up for the bags will be at the Envision Fond du Lac office on March 5th from noon to 6 pm and March 6th from 9 am to noon.

Agriculture Showcase – FDL Area Ag Showcase Sampler Bag (envisiongreaterfdl.com)
