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Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 2/5/21

5 February 2021 News

Fatal Home Invasion In Town Of Kewaskum

Two people died during a home invasion in Washington County Wednesday afternoon. Sheriff’s officials got a call just before 3 pm from a resident in the 8100 block of Forest View Road in the Town of Kewaskum saying a man had forced his way into the home demanding keys to a vehicle. A second call minutes later from a neighboring residence reported hearing shots fired and seeing the armed subject walking towards the caller’s residence. When deputies arrived there was an exchange of gunfire with the suspect who then fled on foot. He was found dead later with a gun near him. Deputies found a person dead outside of the first 911 caller’s residence. A witness had seen that person shot by the suspect. Because the suspect was shot by a law enforcement officer the state’s Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation is investigating the shooting.

Dozens Of Fishermen Rescued From Ice Floes In Door County

Door County Sheriff’s photo.

Sixty-six fishermen had to be rescued from three separate ice flows in Door County Thursday. The U.S. Coast Guard worked with local and state agencies after the ice floes detached from the shore in Door County. The ice broke off about 9 am and traveled more than 1,000 feet from ice attached to shore, trapping the fishermen. According to the Coast Guard it took three agencies to rescue the 66 anglers. No injuries were reported.

Fatal Accident Reported In FDL

Fond du Lac Police are investigating a fatal traffic accident that occurred within the city Tuesday afternoon. A 33-year-old man was in the 700 block of South Military Avenue when he went off the road and struck a light pole. A passerby reported the accident just after 4:30 pm. No information was released on the cause of the accident.

Threat At FDL High School Not Credible

Fond du Lac Police says a potential “Harm List” on a social media messaging app pertaining to the Fond du Lac High School wasn’t a credible threat. A school resource officer at the high school was made aware about the existence of the list Wednesday afternoon. The department’s school resource officer unit investigated the list and determined it was most likely a spoofing incident which originated from an unknown source. Though not deemed a credible threat police increased their presence at the high school Thursday to ensure the safety of students.

Agnesian Opens COVID Clinics To Those 65 And Older

Agnesian HealthCare opened its COVID-19 vaccination clinics in Fond du Lac, Ripon, and Waupun to patients ages 65 and older this week. The approach allows Agnesian HealthCare to begin vaccinating eligible patients as quickly, efficiently and equitable as possible. Patients who are 65 and older can call 920-926-8400. The hotline is available daily from 7 am to 5 pm.  On January 25th Agnesian HealthCare started vaccinating patients 75 and older as they are at a higher risk for serious complications and hospitalizations due to COVID-19. Within its first week more than 1,750 patients were vaccinated.                  

Super Bowl Or Super Spreader

A member of the Ripon Community COVID 19 Task Force says we managed to get through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s but now have another possible super spreader event with the Super Bowl. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says the CDC is recommending staying at home to watch the Super Bowl instead of attending Super Bowl parties. He says that’s a difficult ask, but that should be considered for the health of others. “Well historically we get together in somebody’s house and put out a huge spread of food and you go buy a brand new TV for the living room, yell at the commercials and get a little too much alcohol in you and then talk too loud and too close to people. We need to be really attentive.” He says mainly you should stay home for the event, stay away from sick people, and stay home if your ill. The CDC goes further saying you shouldn’t yell during the game if you’re with others or drink alcohol.  

Hiring The Formerly Incarcerated

Envision Greater Fond du Lac will offer a virtual program next Tuesday morning for employers interested in finding out about hiring the formerly incarcerated. Today is the last day to register for the program on the Envision website. Elle Henne is the Director of Business Intelligence for Envision. She says those former prison inmates reentering the workforce have something to offer. She says a new initiative at Envision spotlights potential employees that are being overlooked. “Recently within the past several months we have launched a new initiative here at Envision related to helping employers hire and retain individuals from special interest groups or areas of the population that they previously had not considered hiring.” She says the program will have three panelists and State Senator Dan Feyen will give a legislative update. It will run from 8 to 9:30 am and is free. Envision is partnering with ADVOCAP, Forward Service Corporation, and the Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation to offer the program on the Zoom platform.

Moving from Felony Incarceration to Employment: Community Resources to Support Employment Success (envisiongreaterfdl.com)

Singin’ In The Rain

The Ripon High School Drama Club returns to the early days of cinema to perform the musical “Singin’ In the Rain” this weekend at the High School Auditorium. Auditorium Manager Jason Mansmith says the kids have been looking forward to the performances with two casts putting it on. “It’s a little bit different of an experience because they are all masked so it’s done safely and it’s just a great opportunity to be back in the auditorium and to do a performance so the kids are excited.” The plot has to do with the not so smooth transition from silent film to the “talkies.” Performances are at 7 pm tonight and 2 pm and 7 pm Saturday, with a Sunday matinee at 2 pm. Tickets are available from Drama Club members and the performances will be live streamed by the school district.
