
COVID 19 Report Tuesday

21 October 2020 News

The state’s Department of Health Services issued a warning yesterday before posting new COVID-19 case numbers. The department says it’s working through a backlog of positive test results after state system upgrades over the weekend, resulting in a higher number of newly reported coronavirus cases and extremely high positivity rate. That being said the department reported 4,591 new cases Tuesday or 33.6 percent of the 13,661 tests received. The death toll was also high with 33 new deaths 1 short of the daily record. The death toll since early February now stands at 1,633 people.

Winnebago County reported 116 new COVID-19 cases Tuesday and two new deaths to put its total cases at 7,723 cases and its death toll at 51 people. Fond du Lac County reports it has had 281 new cases since last Friday putting its total cases at 3,695 with 18 deaths. Dodge County recorded 100 new cases giving it 3,150 total cases with 22 deaths. Four new cases were reported in Green Lake County, which has 618 total cases and 2 deaths. Eleven new cases in Marquette County give it 528 total cases with 2 deaths. Waupaca County had 33 new cases Tuesday giving it 2,102 total cases with 36 deaths. The Waushara County Health Department recorded 31 new cases, which gives it 817 total cases and 3 deaths during the pandemic.
