
Bartz Runs For State Assembly

22 September 2020 News

The race for the 41st State Assembly seat features an independent candidate. Jean Bartz says she was getting tired of the partisanship and inability to compromise and decided to run for the office. “I finally said you know what I could do this. So I wanted to jump into the race. I went out and talked to people in the community and they agreed with me that we need to start bringing things back to the true meaning of representation. Somebody that is willing to represent all of the people in the district and listen to everybody despite differing viewpoints.” Bartz lives between the Wisconsin Dells and Adams and is a real-estate agent. Among the issues she cites in the campaign are small business and tourism, infrastructure, agriculture, education, health care, the environment and more. You can find out more about her and her campaign at her website bartzforassembly.com. She is one of three candidates seeking the Assembly seat.

To hear an interview with Bartz click here.  Please give it a few seconds to load.
