
Lauree’s Trail Being Realized

28 August 2020 News

(Green Lake Greenways photo)

Lauree’s Trail between Ripon and Green Lake is slowly being realized. A bicycle-pedestrian between the two cities was the dream of Lauree Renard who unfortunately passed away before it could be realized. But she got the ball rolling. Howard Hansen is the President of Green Lake Green Ways. “Lauree always had the vision of connecting the two communities she thought Ripon and Green Lake were so similar that she needed to look at doing this. I’ve have been on (Ripon) City Council for 10 years and head of Park and Rec committee and she kind of roped me into being involved with that and I’m glad I did.” He says Phase 1 of the three phase project is complete. That phase included what they call the bookends of the trail. On the eastern end it runs from County Highway PP just west of Ripon to Sunnyside Road and on the western end goes from State Highway 49 to Forest Ridge Road.  It’s a 10-foot wide paved trail and has been used quite a bit since it opened. Hansen says they got a Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant for Phase 2 or the middle section of the trail, but are still raising matching funds for that. You can find out more about the trail and how to donate toward it at the Green Lake Greenways website.
