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Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 8/7/20

7 August 2020 News

Congressman Grothman On Stimulus Money

Congressman Glenn Grothman says another stimulus bill to help people out during the pandemic would be the fifth spending bill approved by Congress. He says the previous bills rung up another $3 trillion in debt on the country and isn’t sure how even one for $1 trillion will affect our future generations. “Both Republicans and Democrats did get together on four bills already it’s possible they will get onboard on another bill. I am very worried about the long-term impact on our children and grandchildren and even in the near future if we pass another bill of much over $1 trillion.” He says the two sides have been arguing about the supplement the federal government has been providing for those on unemployment, which was $600 a week per person. Democrats would like to see that continued while Republicans fear it is a deterrent for people from going back to work.

Battle Waged Over Face Mask Mandate

Nearly a week into Governor Evers’ face mask mandate the battle over whether we should be forced to wear them continues. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says the first battle between the Governor and the state legislature over an Executive Order regarding the coronavirus had to do with how long the Safer at Home order could be left in place. He says unlike that battle the two sides are now arguing over who should be issuing that type of order. “Evers puts out a mandate to wear masks and the legislature is coming back saying this is a local thing. The problem with local is you driver over to Fond du Lac this afternoon and they don’t have a mask mandate and then you back here where they do or don’t , it spreads across county lines.” He says the other battle is over enforcement. Puhlmann-Becker notes the Green Lake County Sheriff’s Department will be providing enforcement of the mandate because they feel it is important. The Waupaca County Sheriff’s Department is also enforcing the mandate responding to complaints at businesses.

Fox Crossing Drug Dealing Suspects Bound Over For Trial

Two of three people charged in connection with a drug bust in Fox Crossing that led to the seizure of more than $100,000 in cash and hundreds of pounds of marijuana and marijuana products, have been bound over for trial. Fifty-six-year-old Billie Gerver and 28-year-old Ashtyn Hale had preliminary hearings in Winnebago County court Thursday. Gerver will be arraigned on August 24th and Hale on September 4th.  Also facing charges is 57-year-old John Hale.  U.S. Postal Service officials contacted law enforcement in June about suspicious packages from California that were going to a Fox Crossing address.  Investigators say the street value of the marijuana that was seized was more than $1 million.

Free COVID 19 Testing At Sunnyview Expo Center

Free COVID-19 testing at the Sunnyview Expo Center in Oshkosh today and tomorrow. Hours are 10 am to 6 pm today and 9 am to 5 pm Saturday. Testing is open to any Wisconsin resident over 5 years old with symptoms of COVID-19. Pre-registration is encouraged, which you can do by calling the Winnebago County Health Department at 920-232-3000 or going to their website. Participants can walk up or drive through. Testing will be conducted by the Wisconsin National Guard.

Spirit Of Aviation A Success

An unprecedented effort to bring the EAA community at Oshkosh to aviation fans around the world was a grand success. EAA’s inaugural Spirit of Aviation Week July 21st through 25th drew enthusiasts from throughout the country and around the world. The event was created after AirVenture Oshkosh had to be cancelled due to concerns over the pandemic. The virtual event included streaming and on-demand content, plus a virtual mall for exhibitors normally found at Oshkosh. Some of the highlights included more than 266,000 people connected via the Internet for the streaming and on-demand contents, with nearly 800,000 page views and almost 1.6 million minutes of video viewing. Plus the social media outreach totaled 4.5 million.


