COVID 19 Report Thursday
31 July 2020 News
Sixty-one of Wisconsin’s 72 counties reported new COVID-19 cases Thursday as the state recorded 1,059 new cases or 6.1 percent of the 17,270 test results that came back. Since early February 52,108 state residents have tested positive for the coronavirus. Wisconsin has now tested more than 919,710 people for the virus over the course of nearly six months. The state also reported eight more deaths bringing the death toll to 919.
Winnebago County saw 19 new COVID-19 cases Thursday putting its total cases at 997 with 16 deaths. Dodge County Public Health reported 8 new cases giving it 642 total cases with 5 deaths. Five new cases were reported in Fond du Lac County giving it 525 cases with 6 deaths. Green Lake and Marquette counties had no new cases. Green Lake County stays at 50 total cases and Marquette County at 67 cases with 1 death. Eight more new cases were reported in Waupaca County which now has 350 cases and 15 deaths. Waushara County Health Department reported 2 new cases giving it 96 since the pandemic began.
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