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Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 7/28/20

28 July 2020 News

More Stores Requiring Wearing Of Face Masks

While some cities are taking action to require the wearing of face masks in public, a member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says he’s glad to see some stores requiring their use. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says there is a growing list of big name stores requiring their use to protect both employees and the public from the pandemic. “I’m thrilled about this because if the government can’t do it at whatever level and say you need to wear a mask indoors if you can’t be six feet apart from someone then businesses, these are private businesses they get to set some conditions.” Among the businesses requiring the wearing of face masks are; Costco, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Menard’s, Meier’s, Lowe’s, Pick ‘N Save, Festival Foods, Walgreen’s, and Starbuck’s.

Job Center Closings

The President and CEO of Envision Greater Fond du Lac says it is unfortunate that COVID-19 put so many people out of work and ironically also closed job centers where they could get help finding work. Sadie Parafiniuk says the pandemic shut down job centers in Fond du Lac, Berlin and elsewhere. She says a number of libraries were also shut down or restricted, which is where people usually go to get access to the computers and internet if they don’t have it at home. “If you maybe don’t have access to a computer or a smartphone or you’d don’t have steady and you maybe would have otherwise went to the library to use their computer, but even a library is not the greatest place to do a ZOOM interview.” Eleven Workforce Development Boards around the state held drive through job fairs two weeks ago providing 3,972 job seekers information on 687 employers with immediate job openings.

National Guard Specimen Collection Teams Working In The Area

Wisconsin National Guard Specimen collection teams will be at a couple sites in the area this week to collect specimens for COVID-19 testing. A team will collect specimens at Dodge Correctional Institution in Waupun Wednesday and another team will operate a community-based testing site in Mayville Friday and Saturday. Today a team will operate a community-based testing site at the Health and Human Services Building in Wautoma and then collect specimens at Redgranite Correctional Institution on Thursday.  As of yesterday, Wisconsin National Guard teams have collected 288,044 specimens statewide.

PSC Extends Utility Disconnection Moratorium

Thanks to the State’s Public Service Commission residential utility customers will see the moratorium on disconnecting service for nonpayment of bills extended until September 1st. The PSC recently voted 2 to1 to stay part of its June 26th order, which allowed the moratorium to be lifted, but had exceptions for those households testing positive or quarantined because of COVID-19. The PSC also cited increasing numbers of cases of the pandemic in Wisconsin since the PSC met in June. The Commission plans to meet again on August 20th. At that time they will discuss if further modifications or extensions should be provided beyond September 1st.

Bug Tussel Offers School Distance Learning Program

Bug Tussel Wireless, a subsidiary of Hilbert Communications, is offering a Distance Learning Program for the 2020-2021 school year. The program offers a special 30 percent discount to students, schools, and educators in Bug Tussel service areas in an effort to offset the impact of the COVID-19 school closures and to provide broader access to alternative learning methods. Bug Tussel operates approximately 170 broadband sites throughout rural Wisconsin with plans for 40 additional sites by the end of the year. The company is upgrading legacy sites in Fond du Lac, Waushara, and Adams counties to a better system. The system upgrade was recently completed to most Bug Tussel sites in Calumet County.

Donations Needed For Harvest Of Bargains Sale

The Thrasher Opera House in Green Lake is accepting good clean items of high quality, new, or lightly used conditions, as well as antiques and treasures for its annual Harvest of Bargains Sale. The sale helps to support and maintain the historic Thrasher Opera House. Items can be dropped off at the Opera House office from 10 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. To arrange drop off especially for larger items call the Thrasher office at 920-294-4279. A list of acceptable items can be found at the Thrasher website. The annual Harvest of Bargains Sale will be held at the opera house on September 26th and 27th during Harvest Fest.
