COVID 19 Report Monday
30 June 2020 News
Wisconsin moved past 28,000 (28,058) COVID-19 cases Monday as 315 new cases were reported or 5.3 percent of the 5,927 new test results. It was the fourth day in a row that more than 5 percent of test results came back positive, but down from Sunday’s high of more than 7 percent. State health officials say 3,000 cases came back positive in the last week compared to a previous rate of about 1,000 every 3 or 4 days. Meanwhile for the second straight day there were no new deaths from the pandemic keeping the toll since the outbreak began at 777.
Winnebago County yesterday reported 7 new COVID-19 cases giving it 662 with 11 deaths. Dodge County recorded 3 new cases bringing its totals to 456 cases and 5 deaths. Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says the county had two new cases over the weekend giving it 311 cases and 6 deaths since the outbreak began. Green Lake County remained at 32 cases and Marquette County at 13 cases with 1 death. Seven new cases of the coronavirus were reported in Waupaca County Monday bringing its totals to 114 cases and 9 deaths, while Waushara County had 4 new cases giving it a total of 26 cases.
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