Reopen Fond du Lac Task Force Membership Named
30 April 2020 News
Envision Greater Fond du Lac has announced the membership in the Reopen Fond du Lac Task Force. About 50 members from across the county make up the group that is assembling guidelines and best practices for various industries, businesses and organizations to follow for when the COVID-19 threat starts to diminish. Among those serving on the task force from the Ripon area are Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jason Mansmith, Ripon College President Zach Messitte, Ripon Area United Way Board of Directors President Jeff Puhlmann-Becker, Tom Rogers of Advanced Paper Enterprises, and Ripon Main Street Manager Craig Tebon. Envision will release more details about the Task Force plan once it has become more developed.
The complete list:
Bonnie Baerwald (Moraine Park Technical College); Jon Bartz (WEDC); Allen Buechel (Fond du Lac County); Jim Cleveland (Envision Greater Fond du Lac); Amy Collett (Society Insurance); Jacqui Corsi (Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts, Inc.); Paul Cunningham (Schreiner’s Restaurant); Casey Despres (Waupun Chamber of Commerce); Sen. Dan Feyen (WI Senate District 18); Erin Gerred (Fond du Lac County); Grant Grinstead (Vir-Clar Farms, LLC); Bill Gius (Town of Taycheedah); Amy Hansen (Downtown FDL Partnership); Dan Hebel (Boys & Girls Club of Fond du Lac, Inc.); Cal Hermann (Eden Meat Market & Catering); Bobbi Hicken (Fond du Lac County); Sam Kaufman (Vande Zande & Kaufman, LLP); Brian Kolstad (Fond du Lac City Council); Barb LaMue (New North, Inc.,); Steve Leaman (Horicon Bank); Bob Lloyd (Lomira School District); Dr. Michelle Majewski (Marian University); Jason Mansmith (Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce); Zach Messette (Ripon College); Samuel Meyer (State Farm Insurance); Craig Molitor (Destination Lake Winnebago Region); Joseph Moore (City of Fond du Lac); Liz Morrell (The Arc Fond du Lac); Kimberly Mueller (FDL County Health Department); Kelly Norton (Grande); Alan Ott (Rep. Glenn Grothman’s Office); Sadie Parafiniuk (Envision Greater Fond du Lac); Jeff Puhlmann-Becker (Ripon Children’s Learning Center); J J Raflik (Fond du Lac Family YMCA); Rep. Timothy Ramthun (WI Assembly District 59); Tom Rogers (Advanced Paper Enterprises Inc.); Dr. Martin Rudd (UWO-Fond du Lac Campus); Kathy Schlieve (City of Waupun); Dr. James Sebert (FDL School District); Aaron Sadoff (NFDL School District); Anthony Snyder (Fox Valley Workforce Development Board, Inc.); Jim Spannbauer (Mid-States Aluminum Corporation); Dennis Stahmann (Wisco Hotels); Craig Tebon (Ripon Main St); Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt (WI Assembly District 52); Eric Toney (Fond du Lac County District Attorney); Katherine Vergos (SSM/St Agnes Hospital); Danielle Vollendorf (Fond du Lac County); Ryan Waldschmidt (FDL County Sheriff’s Office); and Jennifer Walters (Aurora Health Center).
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