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Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 4/28/20

28 April 2020 News

Two Hurt In Columbia County ATV Accident

Columbia County Sheriff’s officials say a 39-year-old woman and 6-year-old child both suffered life-threatening injuries while riding on an ATV in the backyard of a private property in the Village of Pardeeville Saturday afternoon. The child was riding in front of the woman when she lost control and struck some trees. The child was wearing a helmet. Both were flown to the U-W Hospital in Madison. The Sheriff’s office and DNR wardens are investigating the accident, which was reported at 12:46 p.m. Saturday afternoon.

Markesan Police Warn Of Scams

Markesan Police are warning residents about a couple of scams. One involves the scammer sending an email stating they have access to a current or former password they got off the dark web and threatens to release embarrassing video of you unless you send them bitcoin within a certain time frame. Police advise not sending the money but changing your password. The other offers to forgive a student loan if you give them a little information about yourself and make a small payment. If you are having problems with a student loan you should work directly with your lender.

14 Days

No one was really sure what Governor Ever’s 14-day standard for returning to business was about when he first issued an extension to his Safer at Home order. We now know that the number of cases in the state would have to decline for 14 straight days. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says for a small city like Ripon it would take less time to meet that standard, but there is also a danger to that. “Cities like ours is a relatively small town and city and saying that Ripon doesn’t have any so let’s go back to normal it wouldn’t take long before we jumped right back in and started to have problems here because of that.” He says we have to think about not only our neighbors, the elderly, and immunocompromised people, but people who could get sick because of us.

Most Ripon School Lockers Untouched Since Before Spring Break

At some point school districts will have to deal with getting things from students lockers back to those students. In Ripon students were on Spring Break when the Governor’s Safer at Home order came out and haven’t had access to them with few exceptions. District Superintendent Mary Whitrock says the bulk of those lockers haven’t been touched since before Spring Break. “We have so many of our student materials still in lockers across our district. We’ve had some students who come and have received materials. Some have just taken the essential things they’ve needed. If parents call and request materials we will certainly work with them to put materials in a bag and get that out to them at the curb so everybody is safe.” Whitrock also points out they have over 1,500 devices lent to students for virtual learning and they will have to collect them so they can be refreshed for use in the fall.

Virtual Shop Small Event In Ripon Saturday

Ripon Main Street has organized a live virtual shopping event to support small businesses struggling through the COVID-19 crisis. Ecommerce is one of the few methods retailers have to generate income during this challenging time. Ripon Main Street is inviting the public to join an online Facebook Live event Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m. A variety of the shops will post short live videos through the two-hour event via Facebook. Participating is easy just visit the Shop Small Live event page on Facebook. Click the Interested-Going tab to be kept up to date with participating shops and receive a reminder when the event starts.

Drug Take Back Alternative

Due to the COVID-19 health crisis the DEA cancelled last Saturday’s National Drug Take Back Day. Due to ongoing efforts to prevent the spread of the virus, many drug drop boxes in Fond du Lac County are closed or have limited access. Drug Free Communities of Fond du Lac County has alternative resources for securing and disposing medications available, for free, for community organizations and individuals. These include medication lock bags and Deterra Drug Deactivation pouches. The medium size pouch the DFC has available can dispose of approximately 45 pills. If you’re interested in getting a prescription lock bag or deactivation pouch call Alex Berg of the DFC at 920-906-6573.

FDL Area Foundation Activates Disaster Relief Fund

The Fond du Lac Area Foundation has activated its Disaster Relief Fund. Foundation Executive Director Joe Braun says making a donation to the fund is one way people can help with the COVID-19 local relief efforts. The Foundation is working with local representatives, businesses, and nonprofit partners to identify organizations who are helping those impacted and allocate grants from the fund to provide assistance to those in need. Donations can be made online or by mailing a check to Fond du Lac Area Foundation, 384 North Main Street- Suite 4, Fond du Lac Wisconsin 54935.

Senior Greeter

Ripon Senior Activity Center Executive Director Noreen Johnson says although the center is closed because of the Safer at Home order, she’s been staying busy. She says in the past few weeks she’s delivered cards, put together and delivered Easter baskets, flowers, and done other things to keep up people’s spirits during social distancing and to help lessen the isolation. “If anyone is interested in getting little gifts like that or having sidewalk chalk smiley faces and such put on their sidewalk just give me a call and let me have their address and I will come and greet you too.” Johnson can be reached by calling the center at (920) 748-6225.

