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Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday 4/16/20

16 April 2020 News

State Senate Passes COVID 19 Relief Bill

The State Senate unanimously passed an Assembly bill Wednesday that will provide help to Wisconsin residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Both houses crafted the legislation. It will provide immediate assistance to those who have lost their jobs by eliminating the one week waiting period for unemployment insurance. It also maximizes over $3 billion from federal aid packages, including injecting $300 million into Medicaid to help combat the virus. State Senator Dan Feyen of Fond du Lac says it will provide assistance where it is needed most. The Governor signed the bill into law a few hours later.

FDL Sex Offender Moved

A 68-year-old sex offender living in Fond du Lac has moved to a new address. When John Bunch was released from prison in February he was living at 457 Thomas Street. Bunch has now moved to 340 West Scott Street. He served 26 years in prison for four counts of first degree sexual assault of a child. He was convicted in 1993 of sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl over the course of a 6-month period. In 1985 he was convicted in Kenosha County of false imprisonment. Bunch will be on GPS monitoring.

Ripon Common Council Notes

The Ripon Common Council Tuesday night laid the groundwork for funding for the Vermont Street and Parkway Terrace improvement projects. Resolutions were approved to submit an application for Community Development Block Grant-Public Facilities monies and guaranteeing the city will provide $1.2 million in matching funds for the project. The Council also approved applying for a Stewardship Grant from the state’s Department of Natural Resources. The Council also approved several changes staff had recommended for the city’s employment policy related to the COVID-19 outbreak. It was the last meeting for the current Council, new members and a new Mayor will be seated during a reorganizational meeting next week.

Roadways Remain Open

Officials with the Wisconsin Counties Association and the state’s Department of Transportation are clarifying that state roadways and borders remain open to in-state and out-of-state travelers. Under the Governor’s Safer at Home order, drivers are asked to avoid “non-essential” travel throughout the public emergency period. State Patrol and county sheriff’s departments continue to enforce traffic laws as usual, but are not pulling over vehicles with out-of-state plates or others motorists just to ask about the purpose of their trip.

Virtual Tornado Drill Today

As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week in Wisconsin there will be a tornado drill today, but it is going virtual. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and social distancing there will be a “virtual tornado drill” at 1:45 this afternoon. Fond du Lac County Communications and Emergency Management Director Bobbi Hicken says at that time they are asking families to review the plans they have in case of the actual event. “What we really want people to do is just refresh their plans, think about what they would do if there is severe weather especially a tornado. If there is a tornado warning issued for your area do you know where the safest place to go in your home is, do you know where the safest place to go at your work is?” She says sirens won’t be activated and NOAA weather radios won’t be going off because that would be too much stress with what people are already handling.

Final Results For Ripon School Board Race

The Board of Canvass for the Ripon Area School District has released official results for the School Board race in the Spring Election. Incumbent Board members Tom Stellmacher with 1,758 votes and Josh Rieder with 1,567 votes won reelection. They will be joined on the Board by newcomer David Scott who got 258 write-in votes to win the third and final open seat. Scott will fill the seat Amy Pollesch chose not run for again. Melissa Wipijewski received 134 write-in votes, but finished out of the running. The Board’s Reorganizational meeting will be held on Monday, April 27th.

Emergency Internet Location Tool

The state’s Public Service Commission and Department of Public Instruction Tuesday announced a new web tool that assists users in finding free-to-use public broadband locations in their area. The “Emergency Internet” locations are for when a user’s own internet is too slow or not available. While many of the identified location buildings are closed to the public, their Wi-Fi connections remain accessible. Users should stay in their vehicles while accessing the Wi-Fi and only use it long enough to access critical services. People looking for emergency broadband locations are invited to use the web tool.



