
Markesan Responds

2 April 2020 News

Wisconsin communities are stepping up sharing resources and providing support during the COVID-19 outbreak. Markesan Police Chief Will Pflum says he’s seen it in a number of communities including Markesan. One example is people stepping up to volunteer at food pantries. “We have volunteers at our food pantry that are doing an amazing job and again that echoes across the listening area all the local food pantries are stepping up they are doing what it takes because they know this is a tough time for everybody.” School Districts have been providing meals for children even those that do not attend their schools. Also in Markesan the school district gave away books outside its elementary school to those who need something to read during the Safer at Home order and Mayor Rich Slate issued a proclamation asking residents to put up their Christmas lights to in his words “bring some positive vibes to dark times.”
