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  • Ripon Area Schools Employee Tests Positive For COVID-19

Ripon Area Schools Employee Tests Positive For COVID-19

1 April 2020 News

According to Ripon Area School District Superintendent Mary Whitrock a district employee that was traveling over Spring Break tested positive Wednesday for the COVID-19 virus. The employee is a staff member at Murray Park Quest Elementary School and had not been feeling well since last Wednesday, March 25th. The employee does not live in Ripon, but did enter the school on Saturday, March 21st after the break to pick up materials following the Governor’s order for the closure of all schools. No parents or students have been in the school since the last day of school on March 13th. The staff member has not reentered the school since March 21st. The following Monday, March 23rd, the custodian at the school cleaned the building using the district’s standard cleaning protocol. Any students who needed materials from the school did so through a curbside pick up on Tuesday, March 24th.
