
COVID 19 Measures

17 March 2020 News

Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services says 47 people in the state have tested positive for COVID-19. Milwaukee County surpassed Fond du Lac County Monday with the most cases 13 to Fond du Lac’s 11. Ten cases have tested positive in Dane County. Three cases apiece are reported in Sheboygan, Waukesha and Winnebago counties and one each in Outagamie, Pierce, Racine and Wood County.

The Ripon Area School District has implemented a dedicated web page to explain to families how they will be handling instruction during the pandemic. They will begin connecting with students starting next Tuesday online. A curbside food service will also be initiated. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at no cost to anyone 18 years old or younger. Packaged meals will be available Monday through Friday from 9 to 11 am on the north side of the Ripon Middle School. Children receiving meals do not have to be students.

Steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are changing daily. Governor Tony Evers Monday asked the state’s Department of Health Services to issue an order prohibiting mass gatherings of 50 or more people. Meanwhile President Trump is asking gatherings be limited to no more than 10.

The Ripon Medical Center and Waupun Memoria Hospital are reviewing elective surgical and other procedures or annual wellness checks, and will be contacting patients directly if these are cancelled.  Walk-in mammograms have been cancelled. Endocrinology services have been cancelled for two weeks. Diabetic group classes are closed for one week. ID Services, Anticoagulation Management Services, Ambulatory Infusion and Home Infusion services will continue as usual. Gift shops are closed.

Lakeside Municipal Court in Ripon has been cancelled for this Thursday.

The Fond du Lac Public Library has closed all its buildings until Monday, April 6th. That includes the main library, their Express branch, and The Chapter 52 Book Store.

The Waushara County Sheriff’s Office has joined others running county jails in limiting visitation. Jail programming and visits have been suspended with the exception of attorney visits.

All City of Oshkosh buildings will be closed to the public. Employees will be working so if you have questions call. Emergency services will continue, but the Oshkosh Police Department and Fire Stations discourage walk-ins.
