STATE SEND OFF! 8:35 - community gathering/picture at WHS parking lot 8:45 - convoy “parade” through town We're very excited to celebrate our three state qualifiers. As tradition, we will have a "state send off" on tomorrow morning. Our state qualifiers and coaches will be visiting Riverview and Parkside on Thursday morning to take a picture with youth and middle school wrestlers. Following that, we will have a driving route as our convoy leaves Wautoma. We will be leaving the high school at 8:45 AM on Thursday, and taking the following route: Exit WHS Parking Lot and go west on River St to Parkside School. We'll drive past Parkside and wave at any students or staff who choose to greet us outside. We'll continue North towards Cty Rd C and then turn right (east) onto Main St. Our route will continue east on Main St until Division Street, where we will turn to eventually head back West on Division St, past the Waushara County Government Center and Sheriff's Department.
Our final detour will be at Riverview Elementary to wave and greet any mini Hornets! From there, the convoy will disperse. Any of our first responder vehicles will return to their stations, and our convoy headed to Madison will depart! |