The First Congregational Church of Ripon will hold a blood drive Wednesday, Feb. 26 from noon to 5 p.m. at 220 Ransom Street.
Attendees should call the American Red Cross for an appointment at 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter sponsor Code: FirstCongregationalRipon. They should bring a photo ID or blood donor card, or two other forms
of identification.
An estimated 38% of all Americans are eligible to give blood or platelets, but of those, less than 10% actually donate each year. If you are healthy and eligible, please come out to donate. Most donations take about an hour, so folks may book your appointments, roll up their sleeves, and become a part of the life-saving mission of the Red Cross and the First Congregational Church of Ripon. If you don't know if you are eligible, just show up and find out.
Each pint of blood collected can help save up to three lives and will touch the lives of many more. This is a great way to make an impact on people in the Ripon-area community and across the country.