
2/20/25 Sturgeon Spearing Season Day 12

20 February 2025 Sports

From the DNR:

The low harvest throughout the system yesterday was not unexpected as Wednesdays usually have the lowest harvest of the week. Thirty-six lake sturgeon were speared throughout the system; 31 on Lake Winnebago and 5 from the Upriver lakes.

As the season progresses, registration numbers around Lake Winnebago seem to be leveling out. There are four registration stations around Lake Winnebago that have registered 80 fish or more: Quinney with 96, Southwest Winnebago with 80, Downtown Oshkosh with 84 and Neenah with 93.

There were another 3 fish speared Wednesday over 100 pounds. Two of these fish were registered at the Neenah registration station. The biggest was a 150.1-pound, 78.5-inch, F2 female speared by Keith Kerstner (pictured). 

Upriver, 1 adult female and 4 males were harvested. This brings the season total Upriver to 41 juvenile females, 44 adult females and 208 males with 7 of these fish being over 100 pounds.  

The Pipe, North Winnebago and Winneconne registration station will remain closed today.
