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  • 5/18/24 Entrepreneur Urges Ripon College Graduates to Leave a Legacy

5/18/24 Entrepreneur Urges Ripon College Graduates to Leave a Legacy

18 May 2024 News

RIPON — Jason Felts, a serial entrepreneur, philanthropist and founding CEO of VIRGIN PRODUCED, urged the Ripon College Class of 2024 to dream big and aim high as Ripon’s 158th Commencement ceremony was celebrated Sunday afternoon.

Felts received an honorary degree and was the keynote speaker. He embraced the Commencement theme of “Breaking Barriers: Creating a Legacy,” saying, “It’s a theme that should resonate deeply with all of you because it speaks to the essence of what it means to be a graduate of Ripon College.”

Felts related his own experiences and perseverance in breaking through barriers as he established himself in his career. “Tell me no and I want to convert it to a yes,” he said. He started by talking his way into a job with Hollywood press agent and philanthropist David Mirisch, Ripon College Class of 1959, by offering to first work for free — then quickly transitioning to Mirisch’s full-time assistant for several years. 

At the age of 32, he became co-founder and the second youngest CEO in the history of Virgin Group – only behind Sir Richard Branson himself.

“But getting in the door is only half the challenge of breaking a barrier,” he said. “It’s the work that matters, the smart work combined with the willingness to not accept someone else’s desire to maintain the status quo.”

He said he challenges the perception that barriers are thought of as walls, obstacles and limitations. “Instead of viewing barriers as roadblocks, let’s see them as opportunities for growth and transformation,” Felts said. “Breaking barriers is not a one-time event. It is a continuous journey that requires resilience, determination and a healthy dose of humor.

“Life will throw curveballs at you and you won’t always have the hands of Donald Driver to catch them. They will present you with challenges you never anticipated. In those moments, I urge you to embrace the power of laughter. Be OK with not caching every curveball. Let it hit the ground. It will not be you failing. Instead, you will look down, you’ll pick it up and you’ll do something with it. You’ll reassess, you’ll refocus and you’ll reset.”

He said doing so does not mean that one has failed, but only that one has reset, “this time armed with the knowledge and experience necessary to break through whatever barrier you faced. The key is not to give up, the key is to stay persistent.”

Felts told the graduates that achievements themselves are not the goal. Honors, recognition and monetary success are not important to leaving a legacy, he said. “Legacy is not what you do for yourself, it’s the impact you leave on others. When we think of legacies, we often associate them with grandiose achievements, monumental deeds.”

However, he said, “I believe a true legacy is built upon the impact you have on others and the mark you leave on the world. It’s about embodying the values and principles you hold dear … and leaving others better than how you found them, either through your words, your actions or your contributions. It’s about doing that every day. That’s how you create a legacy and it starts today.”

He said building a legacy is not a solo endeavor but one that requires collaboration, empathy and a willingness to listen to those whose voices have been silenced.

“It requires you to break down the barriers and build bridges,” he said. “Your actions have the power to shape the world around you.”

Also honored at Sunday’s ceremony were honorary doctorate recipient Dena G. Willmore, Ripon College Class of 1967, retired partner and senior vice president of Wellington Management Company, and benefactress of Ripon College’s Willmore Center; and the Boys & Girls Club of the Tri-County Area, which was presented with the 2024 Founders’ Day Award. The award was accepted by Jason Presto, Ripon College Class of 2004, chief executive officer of the Boys & Girls Club.

The Commencement ceremony was held on the lawn in front of Harwood Memorial Union with 150 members of the graduating class participating.

A full video of the Commencement ceremony can be viewed at ripon.edu/live.
