2/15/24 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
15 February 2024 News
Two women are facing drug charges after a traffic stop on Interstate 41 in Fond du Lac County for an equipment violation. A K9 handler for the Sheriff’s Department conducted the stop and the handler’s K9 indicated the presence of drugs. A single M-30 pill was found that was labeled oxycodone but it was believed to contain fentanyl. Both women were taken to the County Jail on multiple drug and bail jumping charges. During a search at the jail, correctional staff found a significant amount of counterfeit pills on a 26-year-old Appleton woman. The suspected fentanyl pills weighed approximately 174 grams or more than a third of a pound. Based on the weight of the pills it is believed there were approximately 1,500 fentanyl pills in total that were headed to the Fox Valley area. A 25-year-old Menasha woman with her is also facing charges.
A Winter Weather Advisory has been issued until 8 am this morning. Among the counties in the advisory are Calumet, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Washington, Waupaca, and Winnebago counties. Snow totals could range from 2 to 5 inches creating hazardous driving conditions. A Winter Weather Advisory for Green Lake and Waushara counties ended at 6 am this morning.
Near the very end of the Ripon Common Council meeting Tuesday night Mayor Ted Grant issued a veto. The Council had approved a bid for the Industrial Park Water Tower rehabilitation project. They also approved spending an extra $2,500 to put a Birthplace of the Republican Party logo on one side. Mayor Grant vetoed that add on. The Council also approved a professional service agreement with MSA for the Hamburg Street and Hennie Street reconstruction project. The agreement to oversee the reconstruction project comes to $105,000. The City could get some help in paying for the reconstruction. City Administrator Adam Sonntag told the Council the state’s Department of Administration had informed the city it is eligible for a Community Development Block Grant of up to $1.5 million for the project. Ripon had met the income criteria for the area of the project. The city will be eligible to apply for the grant until July 25th, 2028.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation will be holding a live online public involvement meeting for the proposed improvements to the Main Street Bridge over the Fox River in the City of Oshkosh. The meeting will begin at 5 pm on Thursday, February 29th. The purpose of the meeting is to provide project design information and gather comments on proposed improvements. The meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams. Project engineers will share maps, displays, and exhibits via a live presentation. Information for businesses impacted by road construction will also be included in the presentation. A comment, question, and answer period will follow the live presentation. You can also listen to the project presentation via audio-only on a calling device if you prefer. To access live video and audio for the meeting via computer or mobile device go to the Main Street Bridge Project design website and click the link at the top of the page at the time of the meeting. To hear the presentation via phone and ask questions call 608-571-2209. The phone conference ID is 639 373 228#. Construction is currently anticipated to begin in the fall of 2025 and conclude in the spring of 2026. The bridge will be closed during construction to vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Wisconsin Department of Transportation Main Street Bridge (US 45) – Oshkosh (wisconsindot.gov)

Following a recruitment effort the City of Waupun has hired Jeremy Rasch as its new Chief of Police. The Waupun Police and Fire Commission conducted a series of staff feedback sessions, community forums and held an interview before making the appointment by unanimous decision. Police Chief Rasch began his career with the city in 2002 as a patrol officer. In 2010 he was promoted to police lieutenant, in 2017 to Deputy Police Chief, and in 2023 became Interim Police Chief. During his time with the Waupun Police Department Rasch has served on various boards and commissions both at the city and county level. Mayor Rohn Bishop says, “Jeremy is well prepared to assume this next level of leadership.” Recruitment for the deputy police chief position vacated when Rasch assumed the interim chief role will begin immediately. Rasch will take the oath of office and the city will hold a pinning ceremony next Monday at 5 pm at the Waupun City Hall. The public is invited.
Ripon Police Chief Bill Wallner says a city ordinance that established sex offender child safety zones in the city was created to keep the community safer. He says Ripon didn’t have any kind of ordinance protecting the city from other counties placing their sex offenders in it once they were released from prison. Wallner says things came to a head last year when Marathon County tried to place a sex offender in Ripon who had a history of sex offenses against children. He says the potential placement struck him as being a problem the city had to do something about. The ordinance established 1,000 foot minimum residency standards from schools, churches, parks and other areas frequented by children and 100 foot minimum safety zones where a sex offender could be. Maps of the safety zones are available at the Ripon Police Department.
Compeer Financial has officially opened its doors to a new regional office in Fond du Lac. The member-owned Farm Credit cooperative transitioned to its new location at 381 Police Memorial Drive in late December. Compeer Financial President and CEO Jase Wagner says, “We’re excited about our new Fond du Lac office location as it helps Compeer better serve our clients.” The decision to establish a new office followed a comprehensive study of the changing needs of clients and an evaluation of existing locations. Construction on the new regional office was completed and doors officially opened to clients on December 18th. An open house will be held at the new office on Tuesday, February 27th from 1 to 4 pm.
New York Times best-selling author and environmental journalist Daniel Egan will discuss “The Devil’s Element: Phosphorus and a World Out of Balance” tonight at Ripon College. The Center for Politics and the People presentation will begin at 6:30 pm in Great Hall, Harwood Memorial Union, on the campus. Admission is free and open to the public. Co-sponsors of the event are the Green Lake Association, the Department of Chemistry and the Environmental Studies Program. With “The Devil’s Element,” Egan has written an essential and eye-opening account that urges us to pay attention to one of the most perilous but little-known environmental issues of our time. Egan is a native of Green Bay, Wisconsin.
The Fond du Lac County Health Department will be holding a Narcan training session at the Gratitude Club in Fond du Lac tonight at 6:15 pm. The club is located at 295 Ruggles Street. Registration is available online. The training only takes about 30 minutes and those who take it will receive two Narcan kits to take home with them. County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says with the opioid epidemic Narcan training teaches you how to recognize an overdose and how to safely administer Narcan. The Fond du Lac County Health Department will do a Narcan training session for any group that would like to have a presentation. Call 920-929-3190 to arrange a training session.
The Fond du Lac County United Way has reached its 2023 fundraising campaign goal of $575,000. United Way Executive Director Amber Kilawee says in 2022 they had a goal of $500,000. This past year was their 75th Anniversary plus last May the Ripon Area United Way merged with them, thus the $575,000 goal. She says they are grateful to county residents and companies for support and appreciate Ripon area residents continuing to give to the United Way. Kilawee says it is hard to fundraise these days given so many worthy causes that are out there. She says the majority of the money raised in the county stays in the county and at some point 1 in 3 people will use the services of one or more agencies supported by United Way donations.
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