2/14/24 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
14 February 2024 News
The Fond du Lac Police Department is investigating the death of a 33-year-old woman following a traffic crash in the city just before 6:30 last evening. The single vehicle accident was in the area of West Follett Street and North Main Street. The vehicle struck landscaping bricks and came to rest sitting atop a cluster of bushes. The woman was slumped over the wheel and was unresponsive. She was removed from the vehicle and life-saving efforts were performed until paramedics arrived. She was taken to St. Agnes Hospital with life-threatening injuries and died there. Police officers also found a 3-year-old child inside the vehicle. Paramedics checked out the child at the scene. The child was not injured in the crash. Police detectives are investigating the circumstances leading up the woman’s death. The Fond du Lac County Medical Examiner’s Office will perform an autopsy to determine the exact cause and manner of death.

Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies arrested four people on drug and gun charges during a traffic stop on Interstate 41 near Lincoln Road last week. The vehicle was pulled over just after 4 am on February 6th for a lighting violation. The deputy observed packaging for a marijuana-based product. Two of the four occupants were convicted felons with significant criminal histories including drug and violent offenses, both were out on bail, and one was on probation. A search of the vehicle turned up illegal drugs and a concealed firearm. The handgun had been stolen out of Oshkosh in 2022. All four occupants were arrested for being party to the crimes of receiving stolen property-firearm, cocaine trafficking, and carrying a concealed weapon. Among those arrested were a 20-year-old woman and 44-year-old man from Oshkosh, and a 26-year-old Appleton man. (Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s photo).
The Beaver Dam Fire Department gave an update yesterday on the three firefighters injured during a training exercise on Beaver Dam Lake Monday night. The three were hurt when their air boat crashed on Grape Island. All three firefighters were treated on the scene by paramedics and were transported to the local hospital’s emergency department. Two of the firefighters were treated and released Tuesday morning. The third firefighter suffered serious injuries and was flown to Aurora Summit Hospital in Oconomowoc. He remains hospitalized in stable condition. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is investigating the crash.
A group that promotes unity and inclusivity has strongly condemned recent comments made by Fond du Lac County Executive Sam Kaufman on his official government Facebook page. Kaufman posted Monday morning “Enough ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing’ is a beautiful song and well written, but it is not the National Anthem. We have one national anthem ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ and I always proudly stand when it is played.” United for Diversity officials say the comments run counter to public appearances and posts Kaufman has made during Black History Month. The group says, “In particular, an official government page dedicated to sharing news and information for the county is not the place to share opinions that are counter to celebrating diversity within the community.” The group issued an invitation to Kaufman and other elected officials to meet with the United for Diversity Board to discuss the need for inclusivity in the community.
The Ripon Common Council last night approved a low bid of $478,950 for rehabilitation of the Industrial Park Water Tower. The bid was submitted by Classic Protective Coatings Incorporated of Menomonie, Wisconsin, which was the lowest of six bids received. But the Council also debated an alternative design for the Water Tower. The base bid included the Ripon logo, but a motion was made to add the Birthplace of the Republican Party logo on both sides, which would have been $5,000 more. The Council rejected that motion on a 6 to 2 vote. They did however approve adding the Birthplace of the Republican Party logo on one side, which added $2,500 to the cost of the rehabilitation project. That motion passed on a 5 to 3 vote. The Council also approved a resolution stating the intent to reimburse expenditures for borrowing for the project through the State of Wisconsin Environmental Improvement Fund.

This spring an outdoor siren at Ripon’s City Hall will be moved to replace an aging tornado siren elsewhere in the community. The Ripon Common Council last month approved spending a little over $33,000 to move that siren and replace another with a new siren. Police Chief Bill Wallner says the siren at City Hall was creating problems because the way its set up adjacent to Watson Street when it goes off at noon on Saturdays it scares people shopping and eating downtown. He says the sound engineering company they worked with did a sound study to make sure the new sirens and the moved siren will provide adequate coverage when they are sounded in the city. He says with the upgrades the coverage will be better and the plan solves a number of problems for them. Fond du Lac County sounds all the outdoor warning sirens across the county at noon on Saturdays for three minutes.
The Berlin Common Council recently heard a presentation from a developer who wants to put up some apartment buildings on Oak Street. Council President Luke Dretske says it is on the section of Oak Street off Waushara Street. He says there would be four apartment complexes with a number of units. He says the apartment complexes would be similar to those you see in Ripon across the railroad tracks as you head east of town in Ripon. He says they have garages in the lower units and two apartments on top. The apartments would be about $1,200 to $1,300 a month. Dretske says it is nice to see some development in Berlin.

When Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt posted an update on the recovery of Sheriff’s K9 Iro this week he also thanked the community for their generosity and support of Iro and their K9 fund. That included a mention of the Taycheedah Correctional Institution whose staff and population participated in two fundraisers to raise money for the K9 Program for Iro. One of the biggest contributions yet will go before the Fond du Lac County Board’s Finance Committee tomorrow. The committee will consider authorizing a resolution accepting a donation of nearly $36,700 from Wisconsin Vest Dog to pay Blue Pearl Pet Hospital for Iro’s care in the wake of a shooting incident last October which left the dog with several bullet wounds. If approved by the committee the resolution will go to the full county board for their approval. (Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s photo).

The Green Lake Area Chamber of Commerce brings WinterFest to the area on Saturday, February 24th. Due to the current ice conditions, the trout derby portion of the event has been cancelled. All other activities kick off at noon in Deacon Mills Park, downtown Green Lake. Activities happening throughout the day include the Goose Blind Bar & Grill Cornhole Tournament at 1 pm, free horse drawn wagon rides from 1 to 4 pm, bonfire, food and beverages, raffle, live music, and more. A heated tent will keep attendees warm as live music from Bradley Spurger kicks off at noon, with the 2 AM Band performing from 3:30 to 7 pm. Local restaurants and non-profits will be serving up pulled pork, chili, brats, and delicious treats, along with cold beverages sold by the Green Lake Area Chamber of Commerce. A raffle offers chances to win great prizes like a two-night stay at Heidel House Hotel, a lithium battery ice auger, custom designed Beaver Dam Tip Ups, and much more. The drawing will take place at 6 pm. To learn more about WinterFest visit the Green Lake Area Chamber of Commerce website or call 920-294-3231.
Air show enthusiasts can get a peek behind the curtain tomorrow night at 7 pm at the EAA Aviation Museum as air show pilot Matt Younkin shares his experiences performing throughout North America. Younkin has flown in several air shows over the course of his career, including many stops at AirVenture. Younkin is best known for performing in his Beech 18, which he flew during AirVenture 2023. His presentation will focus on the process of air show flying along with opportunities for questions from the audience. The monthly speaker series is open to the public with free admission for EAA members and just $5 for nonmembers.
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