1/24/24 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
24 January 2024 News
The National Weather Service has issued a Dense Fog Advisory until 10 am. Among the counties included in the advisory are Columbia, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Sheboygan, and Washington. Visibility could be one quarter mile or less in the dense fog. With near freezing temperatures, patchy freezing fog may create slick spots on elevated or untreated surfaces.
The 21-year-old Oshkosh man suspected of hitting and killing a pedestrian in Waupaca County last October was back in court Monday. Evan Barnick pled not guilty to homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle and six others charges stemming from the October 29th incident. Seventy-seven-year-old Gerald Pagel was helping out a motorist that had been involved in a car-deer crash when he was struck by Barnick’s vehicle. Pagel died at the scene of the crash on County Highway W near Brehmer Road in the Town of Caledonia. The driver he was helping out dove into a ditch to avoid Barnick’s truck. Barnick fled from the scene. He will returns to court on February 21st for a status conference. He is being held in the Waupaca County Jail on a $150,000 cash bond.
In his State of the State speech last night Governor Tony Evers promised to veto any bill that would limit access to abortions, even as Republicans move forward with a measure that would let voters weigh in on whether it should be banned after 14 weeks of pregnancy. The Democratic Governor said, “I want to speak directly to women in Wisconsin tonight. I will veto any bill that takes away your reproductive freedom or makes reproductive health care any less accessible in Wisconsin than it is today period.” The speech comes as Evers and Republicans, who control the Legislature, have had some bipartisan successes, but continue to fight over redistricting, abortion, tax cuts, election administration and other key issues.”
Press Release: Gov. Evers Delivers 2024 State of the State Address (govdelivery.com)

Hundreds of people attended a meeting Monday night at the Stockbridge High School to learn more about a push to place the lake sturgeon on the endangered species list. Among those attending were members of Sturgeon for Tomorrow, fishing clubs, families, and longtime sturgeon spearing enthusiasts. The group Center for Biological Diversity is urging the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list lake sturgeon as endangered. That could jeopardize both the hook and line season and sturgeon spearing season everywhere, including Lake Winnebago. Those attending the meeting wanted to hear more about efforts to stop the listing. Both state and federal lawmakers from Wisconsin including Congressman Mike Gallagher are opposing the effort. Dean Schroeder is with Sturgeon for Tomorrow. He says data from the Wisconsin DNR shows the Sturgeon population in Wisconsin is strong. The US Fish and Wildlife Service have a June 30th deadline to make a decision.
Plans for a sand mine on the site of the Iola Car Show took a step forward yesterday. By a 4 to 1 vote the Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee approved a conditional use permit for the mine. Two committee members who voted against the project last August changed their votes. At that time the committee rejected the permit saying plans for the sand mine didn’t fit with the Town of Scandinavia’s comprehensive plan and objectives. Faulk Brothers Construction appealed that decision. They argued the town’s plan is a guide, not law. Those opposed to the sand mine say they will appeal the committee’s decision. They have concerns about groundwater, potential blasting and crushing of rocks, and loss of wildlife. The project would take 10 to 15 years to complete.
The Ripon Common Council Monday night approved spending a little over $33,000 to replace two outdoors warning sirens. It is $7,000 more than what the city had hoped to spend, but also will solve an ongoing problem. Mayor Ted Grant said it will save them money in the long run. Police Chief Bill Wallner outlined the proposal for the Council. The siren at City Hall spooks visitors and residents alike on Watson Street when it is sounded on Saturdays at noon. Wallner says that siren which is newer will be moved and will replace one of the three sirens they need to replace with newer models. It will be moved to the Vermont and Oshkosh Street areas. In addition a new siren will be purchased and will replace a siren in the area of the Dollar Store off West Fond du Lac Street. The city would then replace the one remaining aging warning siren in 2025. Moving the siren from City Hall will save the city on the cost of an additional new siren. Fond du Lac County sounds all the outdoor warning sirens across the county at noon on Saturdays.
Markesan Police are warning residents about a scam involving Spectrum Cable customers. The scammers tell them they can lower their bill by purchasing Target gift cards. The scammer calls and the caller ID may identify the call as a Spectrum number. They tell you a promotion will cut your bill in half. However, to get the promotion, you must first purchase hundreds of dollars in Target gift cards. The scammer asks for the phone number associated with your Spectrum Cable account as well as the four-digit security number with your account. They will use that information to access your account through Spectrum’s actual automated system, saying they’ll pay your bill as long as you get them the Target gift card information. Your bill is never paid and you’re out the money on the gift card purchases. They may even tell you that they will give you a $100 Spectrum gift card in addition to the discount once you pay the upfront costs. Spectrum customers have also received text messages with similar offers.
U.S. Senator Ron Johnson says he’s concerned about our state of military readiness. The federal lawmaker from Oshkosh says in what began with President Obama and continued under President Biden, generals were promoted and are now in power who are more concerned about being woke then they are about military readiness. He says we are missing recruitment targets because it is not particularly attractive for young people who want to fight and defend this country to enter a military where promotions are racially based. He feels being more concerned about social injustice and discrimination is destroying our military.
Moraine Park Technical College will be accepting applications for four positions on the Moraine Park Technical College District Board; one employer member, one employee member, one school district administrator member, and one additional member. The application window is from February 2nd to February 16th, with the terms ending June 30th, 2027 for the employer member, employee member, and school district administrator member, and the term ending June 30th, 2026 for the additional member. Interested individuals can receive application materials from the County Board Chairperson or Clerk of any of the following counties: Calumet, Columbia, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Green Lake, Marquette, Sheboygan, Washington, Waushara and Winnebago or by contacting Jaclyn Jelinek at MPTC by calling 920-929-2127. Candidates should mail their completed application to Mike Schwab, Secretary, Moraine Park Technical College District Board, 235 North National Avenue, P.O. Box 1940, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54936-1940. The submission must include at least two written references supporting your nomination and be received by 4:30 pm on February 16th.

This February, the Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce is teaming up with Sassy’s Pops A Lot to spread love and gratitude with a special “Ripon Gratitude Grams” delivery service. They can be sent to your employees, your boss, board members, volunteers, librarians, teachers, nurses, or anyone you appreciate for all they do. To order, fill out the form on the Chamber’s website to customize your Gratitude Gram. A delivery team will then deliver your personalized message of gratitude along with delectable desserts and tasty treats from Mr. & Mrs. P’s and Sassy’s Pops A Lot. There are options for individuals and groups. Once you’ve placed your order, you will be sent an invoice that can be paid by check or online. After receiving payment, the chamber will confirm the delivery date and time. They ask that all orders are made at least 48 hours in advance. Depending on your package, prices range from $45 to $125. (Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Graphic).
Welcome to Ripon | Ripon Chamber of Commerce (ripon-wi.com)
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