1/2/24 Two Facing Charges After Dodge County Pursuit
1 January 2024 News
Dodge County Sheriff’s deputies picked up a pursuit Sunday night of a vehicle that fled from Jefferson County Sheriff’s deputies on State Highway 26. A traffic stop was attempted but the wanted vehicle fled at speeds reaching 110 miles an hour. Tire deflation devices were deployed but the suspect vehicle continued to flee on its rims. The pursuit came to an end after entering the Village of Lowell heading north on North River Street which is a dead end. The driver, 35-year-old Johnny Shawver of Janesville fled on foot. His passenger 39-year-old Sara Champion of Beloit was arrested and transported to the Dodge County Jail on resisting an officer, possession of cocaine, and possession of drug paraphernalia charges. Shawver was taken into custody, but first was treated for hypothermia after falling into the river. He also suffered bumps, bruises, and scrapes after falling while running from deputies. He was arrested on warrants, and charges of operating after revocation, and felony fleeing. In addition, he could be facing a driving while impaired charge depending on the outcome of the ongoing investigation.
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