1/11/24 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
11 January 2024 News
Two men were injured Wednesday morning when a semi collided with a John Deere Tractor on State Highway 23 west of Fond du Lac County Highway W. The State Patrol tells us the accident near Mount Calvary occurred about 9 am. A 53-year-old Baraboo man operating a semi that was pulling a trailer was heading west when he collided with the tractor being driven by a 62-year-old Mount Calvary man. Both vehicles went into a ditch, the semi in a marshy area. The Mount Calvary man suffered life-threatening-injuries and was taken to ThedaCare Regional Medical Center in Neenah. The Baraboo man was taken to St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac with non-life-threatening injuries.
The Ripon Common Council this week approved an agreement with Wisconsin and Southern Railroad to remove the railroad crossing surface and signal materials at Oshkosh Street. City Administrator Adam Sonntag says the Alliance Laundry System Lead for the railroad hasn’t been used for traversing trains in several years due to lack of customer demand. The East Wisconsin Counties Railroad Consortium, the governing body of the crossing surface and signal materials including rail, ties, asphalt, culverts, signals masts, posts, and signage approved the removal of the Oshkosh Street railroad crossing at its meeting yesterday. Wisconsin and Southern will be responsible for removing the materials and reconstructing the crossing surface to meet the existing profile of the roadway. The work is expected to be completed this spring. The City of Ripon the past few years has been working on getting railroad crossings fixed or removed due to lack of use or deterioration.

Green Lake County Sheriff Mark Podoll yesterday awarded Challenge Coins to three corrections officers that work at the County Jail. It happened during the Judicial Law Committee meeting. Sergeant Sam Koscher, Corrections Officer Wing, and Corrections Officer Willie each received Challenge Coins. Their actions recently prevented a suicide attempt by an incarcerated person. Sheriff’s officials say the care and concern for their incarcerated population demonstrated by the Corrections’ staff is unmatched. (Green Lake County Sheriff’s photos).

Berlin Schools Superintendent Emmett Durtschi says they are continually looking at ways to cut costs as enrollment declines and costs go up. He points out that just about every school district in the state has experienced declining enrollment or making cuts to meet their budget. Quite a few have had to go to referendum. The Berlin Area School District went to referendum last April but the two questions they put before voters for exceeding their revenue cap and making improvements to their schools failed. Durtschi says they may have to go back to referendum sometime over the next year or so. Meanwhile, he says they will continue to try and reduce their costs while providing the educational experience in their schools that the community has come to expect.
Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says they have seen an uptick in respiratory viruses. She says that’s particularly true of COVID-19, the flu, and RSV cases. Mueller says that is not really surprising as we spend more time indoors during the winter months. She says each is highly contagious and many people have had influenza at one time or another during their lives. Mueller notes all three respiratory illnesses will probably continue to peak over the next three weeks and typically the flu peaks in February and March. She says the current flu vaccine is designed for the particular strains of influenza A and B that they are seeing. She says the good news is that in addition to flu vaccine, vaccines are also available for COVID-19 and RSV.
Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Mandy Kimes says it may seem like they go into hibernation mode during the winter, but they concentrate on their membership drive and professional development opportunities for their members. She says Ripon is a busy city with new businesses opening, and existing businesses relocating or expanding. Kimes says soon they will release their calendar, which lists all the leadership development workshops and professional development opportunities they have for their members. They are working in conjunction with the Green Lake Chamber of Commerce on that and topics for the workshops cover a variety of trending issues such as Artificial Intelligence, marketing, customer service, how to use LinkedIn, cyber security, and more. If you would like to know more about the Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce call them at 920-748-6764 or check out their website.

Luke Schaefer, an SSM Health Ripon Community Hospital clinical partner, has been named the newest recipient of the BEE or Be Exceptional Everyday Award. Schaefer was nominated by a colleague. The nomination read, “Over the past couple months whenever a leader rounded on the inpatient unit, the patients regularly recognize Luke for his friendly and compassionate care.” It also mentioned how attentive he is and how he makes them feel that they are in good hands. The BEE Award is specifically designed to recognize non-nursing staff members who demonstrate great teamwork and communication skills, collaboration, professionalism, exemplary service, and a commitment to excellence.

The Young Professionals of Fond du Lac have announced the winners of their Future 5 Award. The winners include Kim Bresser Marketing Project Manager for Mercury Racing, Grace Bruins Marketing Officer and Assistant Vice President of Horicon Bank, Rhiannon Diedrichs Realtor at First Weber, Jim Misudek General Manager of the Fond du Lac Dock Spiders, and Tyler Schulz Owner and President of Werner Harmsen. The award is presented annually since 2013 as a way to support and recognize upcoming leaders in the community. An evening of recognition and celebration for the 2023 Future 5 recipients and nominees will be held Thursday, January 18th at South Hills Golf & Country Club in Fond du Lac. Tickets are available online. Recipients of the award are also eligible to win the Young Professional of the Year Award.
Future 5 Awards (envisiongreaterfdl.com)
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