12/9/23 Two Arrested Following FDL County Traffic Pursuit
9 December 2023 News
Two Fond du Lac residents were arrested following a 14-mile traffic chase in and around the City of Fond du Lac Friday evening. It began on 4th Street near Main Street when a Fond du Lac Police Officer conducted a traffic stop and learned the driver was wanted on a warrant through Fond du Lac County. The driver took off and ultimately the pursuit ended up on Interstate 41. Tire deflation devices were deployed near Johnson Street, but they were unsuccessful. The pursuit was terminated but moments later the suspect’s vehicle began to slow, pulling to the shoulder. The driver and a passenger bailed from the vehicle as it was rolling and ran into a marsh area along Interstate 41. The vehicle went into the Marsh. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies, the State Patrol, and Fond du Lac Police set up a perimeter. Sheriff’s K9 Rip and Fond du Lac Police K9 Jesus were brought in and the 21-year-old man driving the vehicle and his passenger, a 19-year-old woman were arrested. The man is facing 8 different charges including felony fleeing and first-degree reckless endangering safety. The woman was released after being charged with resisting or obstructing an officer. She received minor injuries exiting the vehicle and two civilian vehicles were damaged from the tire deflation device.
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