12/2/23 Remarkable Recovery of Wounded FDL County Sheriff’s Dog Continues
2 December 2023 News
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s K9 shot during a domestic incident in Fond du Lac in October continues his remarkable recovery. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says Iro’s leg cast is off now. He will continue to wear a boot for a while yet, but doctors have him walking and exercising more each day and he continues to progress and get stronger. Waldschmidt says the biggest challenge is his drive to go, go, go! Iro hasn’t lost his energy so making sure he gets adequate rest to heal has been a bit of a challenge. However, the doctors are okay with him increasing activity more each week. The Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation continues its investigation of the October 14th incident during which Iro was wounded. His handler Deputy Blaine Evans is on administrative leave after having to exchange gunfire with 34-year-old Kyle Massie who was inside a vehicle. Massie was wounded and first aid was rendered, but Massie died at the scene. Iro was shot and seriously wounded. Sheriff’s deputies were assisting Fond du Lac Police during a domestic disturbance involving weapons.
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