11/9/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday
9 November 2023 News
One of the two Fond du Lac men suspected of robbing and killing a Fond du Lac man has been sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of being released for extended supervision after 35 years. Fond du Lac County Judge Anthony Nehls sentenced 24-year-old Julius Freeman, Jr. yesterday. A jury in July found Freeman guilty of first degree intentional homicide and armed robbery as a party to a crime. Late the night of October 17th, 2021 Fond du Lac Police responded to a 9-1-1 call for assistance at a residence in the 300 block of 8th Street. Officers found 26-year-old Benzel Rose dead from a gunshot wound to the head. A gun and large sum of money were stolen from Rose. Twenty-nine-year-old Eric Perry and Freeman were picked up on probation warrants in the fall of 2021 and have been incarcerated since. Perry is allegedly the person who shot Rose. A seven-day jury trial for Perry is scheduled to begin on March 25th. Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney says, “Gun violence will never be accepted as a new normal in our community and we will work with law enforcement to aggressively hold violent criminals accountable.”
Three men are facing similar drug possession and trafficking charges in Fond du Lac County court stemming from a traffic stop on Interstate 41 northbound near State Highway 49 Sunday afternoon. A state trooper pulled over the Chevy Impala being driving by 47-year-old Bobbie Wilson of Mount Pleasant for having excessive tint on the vehicle’s windows. During the stop the trooper smelled the odor of marijuana in the car and called for additional help from Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies. According to the criminal complaint subsequent searches of the vehicle turned up a pound of methamphetamine, four ounces of cocaine, seven ounces of marijuana, and 1.7 ounces of psilocybin. In addition to the driver two passengers; 27-year-old Bobby Wilson Jr. of Mount Pleasant and 50-year-old Richard Wilson of Chicago, Illinois are facing charges. All three made their initial court appearances on Tuesday. Bond was set at $25,000 cash each. The father and son Wilsons will have preliminary hearings on January 25th and Richard Wilson on November 17th. They were ordered not to have contact with each other.
Phone service was restored in Green Lake and Waushara counties Wednesday afternoon about 24 hours after it went down. It created a problem for the two county sheriff’s offices interrupting 911 service. The two sheriff’s departments had residents call alternate phone numbers for emergencies. In Waushara County residents were urged to call the Crime Stoppers number. Green Lake County Chief Deputy Sheriff Matt Vande Kolk says the problem was traced back to a fiber optic line that was damaged near Madison. For some it interrupted phone and internet service in Green Lake County including the Green Lake Area Animal Shelter which posted that information on their Facebook page.
Congressman Glenn Grothman and six other House members are co-leads in introducing a bill that would lower costs for cancer patients prescribed oral medications. The Cancer Drug Parity Act would require health insurers provide coverage for oral cancer treatments that is equivalent to conventional intravenous or IV treatments. Every year, approximately two million Americans are projected to receive a cancer diagnosis. Oral cancer treatments have proven to be a game-changer because they can be administered in the patient’s own home. But they have proven costly. A study of patients prescribed oral cancer medications found that one in eight faced copayments of $2,000 or more for their first prescription. The bipartisan bill would expand oral parity protections to privately-insured patients under federal regulation, and prevent insurers from covering oral and self-administered medicines at different cost-sharing rates than IV chemotherapy. It would also implement those requirements for health plans that already cover both oral and IV chemotherapy treatments. Congressman Grothman says, “Every American deserves the most effective cancer treatments available at the most affordable cost.”
The business manager for the Ripon Area School District feels although the mill rate for the 2023-2024 school year is at a historic low for the district, next year’s rate could be even lower. The School Board last month approved a $7.95 mill rate, which is less than last year’s rate of $8.15. District Business Manager Jonah Adams says the school district is levying $699,000 more in taxes. The falling mill rate is a result of the property value in the Ripon Area School District increasing by $99.5 million or 12.6 percent, allowing the taxes levied to spread over more property value. Adams believes the mill rate could be even lower for 2024-2025 and property taxes may also be lower. He says the state will be increasing aid and the revenue limit per student will be increasing another $325 even with declining enrollment. Adams feels the amount of taxes the school district will be levying next year may increase slightly or it could be a little bit less.

An official with Ready Wisconsin says Winter Weather Awareness Week, which is next week, is a good time to prepare for the snow and the cold. Andrew Beckett says it is good to have a plan for a snow emergency in your area. He says it is important to pay attention to weather forecasts for possible advisories, watches, and warnings so you don’t find yourself in the middle of the weather when it’s too late. He also recommends emergency kits for the home and vehicles. According to the National Weather Service over the past 40 years Dodge and Fond du Lac counties have had 99 winter storm events, Green Lake County has had 93, and Winnebago County 91. Waupaca County over that span has experienced 109 winter storm events and Waushara County 96. According to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ preliminary numbers there were 94 cold-related deaths in the state during that last winter season. More tips and information about Winter Weather Awareness Week are available at the Ready Wisconsin website.
2022 Winter Weather Awareness Week

A Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputy was recently among those honored with First Responder of Year Awards by the Wisconsin State Assembly. State Representative Jerry O’Connor of Fond du Lac who represents the 52nd District selected Deputy Jason Bruggink. The deputy received recognition for his work at an apartment fire in Fond du Lac on August 31st where he used a fire extinguisher to help put out the fire, evacuate residents, and rescue an elderly dog. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says an assistant chief with Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue credited the deputy’s heroism for likely saving the building too. The award ceremony was held at the State Capitol in Madison and Deputy Bruggink was joined by his wife Rikki, Sheriff Waldschmidt, and Lieutenants Brennan Wagner and Christopher Dobyns.

State Representative Alex Dallman recently attended the Wisconsin Association for Home Health Care Fall Conference in Wisconsin Dells. He welcomed conference attendees to the Dells and gave a legislative update on health care and workforce issues being considered at the State Capitol. His appearance was part of a larger effort by the association to connect home health care professionals with state lawmakers to advance policies that improve the delivery of home health care across the state. Dallman represents the 41st State Assembly District. The state lawmaker from Green Lake says, “I believe home health care services help keep costs low for families while also giving individuals the comfort of staying in their homes.”
In the photo: Representative Alex Dallman (center) with WiAHC leadership at the 2023 Fall Conference held in the Wisconsin Dells on November 2nd and 3rd.
SSM Health Ripon Community Hospital will be hosting a community blood drive from 12 to 3 pm on Tuesday, November 21st. The drive-through ImpactLife-is open to the public. Donors will get their choice of a gift card or bonus points to shop for a new ImpactLife classic crewneck sweatshirt and more. To sign up for the blood drive visit Bloodcenter.org or call 800-747-5401. Participants are asked to bring a picture ID. Donors should eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before donating.

The Ripon Noon Kiwanis is holding their annual cheese box sale through this month. Kiwanian Brian Reilly says it is one of the major fundraisers they do to help support their projects throughout the year. Those projects include collaborating with the Early Bird Kiwanis and Fond du Lac County on the upcoming all-inclusive playground at Riggs Park: the Noon Kiwanis’ annual free Children’s Fair in June; and a year packed full of activities in 2024 to mark the Ripon Noon Kiwanis’ 100th anniversary. The cheese boxes come in a Family size box for $35 which contains a 12 ounce sausage, Port Wine Cheese Spread, a package of Muenster, Medium Cheddar, and String Cheese. The Medium size box for $25 includes a package of Muenster, Medium Cheddar and a 12 ounce sausage. Order deadline is November 30th with orders ready for pick-up or delivery on Friday, December 8th at Divine Passage Funeral Home. Orders can be placed online at Ripon Noon Kiwanis.org.
Cheese Box Sale (riponnoonkiwanis.org)
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