10/21/23 Girl Injured in Town of Ripon School Bus Accident
21 October 2023 News
An 8-year-old girl suffered serious but non-life-threatening injuries when the school bus she was in went off on State Highways 44/49 north of Fond du Lac County Highway KK in the Town of Ripon Friday afternoon. The Sheriff’s Communications Center got a call about the crash just before 4:30 pm. The driver and three kids were heading north on Highway 44/49 when the driver lost control and the bus when into a ditch. It struck a raised driveway and went over the top of the driveway. The bus did not flip or rollover. The girl was taken to Ripon Community Hospital and then flow to Children’s Hospital. No one else was injured. Sheriff’s deputies, Ripon Fire Department, Ripon Guardian Ambulance Town of Ripon Police, Flight for Life, and State Patrol were all involved in the call.
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