10/1/23 Representative Dallman Celebrates October as Manufacturing Month
1 October 2023 News
October is Manufacturing Month here in Wisconsin. It’s fitting that we celebrate the manufacturing companies and skilled manufacturing workers across our state because the manufacturing industry is Wisconsin’s leading economic contributor, accounting for roughly $68 billion – nearly 20% of Wisconsin’s GDP. Almost 1 in 6 workers in Wisconsin are employed by a manufacturing company, making Wisconsin the 2nd highest concentration of manufacturing workers in the United States.
There are a lot of Wisconsin-based manufacturing companies that produce goods that you use every day. Some of the best known are Milwaukee tools, Airens snow blowers, Harley Davidson motorcycles, John Deere lawn tractors, Kimberly-Clark paper products and the list can go on. We should all be proud that many households across the United States and the world use products that are manufactured right here in Wisconsin, I know I am!
The 2023-2025 state biennial budget invested a significant amount into workforce development to shift Wisconsinites into key fields with high-demand. A lot of these fields are in manufacturing. Republicans included $7 million in this budget to increase the number of youth apprenticeship programs across the state. This strategic investment will help get younger Wisconsinites into high-demand, skilled labor sectors across our economy.
We cannot have a strong manufacturing industry without an educated workforce. That is why this most recent state budget also invests $3 million for career and technical education incentive grants. The goal is to help grow Wisconsin’s economy and support our workforce in even more ways.
Each year, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce hosts a “Coolest Thing Made in Wisconsin” competition. Last year, the Pierce Manufacturing’s Electric Fire Truck from Appleton, WI took home the first place prize. There are hundreds of cool things made in Wisconsin that you might recognize or use on a daily basis but might not know that these products were made by the hands of Wisconsinites. During the month of October I look forward to touring and highlighting manufacturing across the 41st District, and I encourage everyone to think about how manufacturing impacts you and your family’s daily life.
As a proud Wisconsinite, I am thrilled to celebrate October as Manufacturing Month!
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