9/9/23 Dodge County Fair Youth Livestock Supreme Showmanship Contest
9 September 2023 News
The Dodge County Fair Supreme Showmanship contest challenges livestock youth to showcase their knowledge and showmanship skills as they rotate through a contest which involves showing a beef animal, a sheep, a hog, and a dairy animal to prove they are the best livestock showman at the fair. Contestants for this program are selected from the top intermediate and senior showmen in each species.
Teams are selected Friday night of the fair with one qualifying youth from each specie making up a team of four. Youth on a team work together to teach each other showmanship skills. The Supreme Showmanship Contest at the Dodge County Fair offers youth the opportunity to grow in the livestock project. The contest provides personal character development, new friendships with exhibitors in different livestock projects, leadership experience through cooperative learning, and confidence by presenting an animal and themselves before the public.
We would like to recognize the following individuals and teams in the 2023 contest:
Grand Champion Supreme Showman – Maria Meier
Reserve Champion Supreme Showman – Emma Paulson
First Place Team – Emma Paulson, Caleb Wiechmann, Drew Benninger, Taylor Hunt
Second Place Team – Sevanna Fairbank, Elijah Zick, Samantha Salmi, Wyatt Stowell
Dodge County Supreme Showmanship is made possible through the generosity of over 20 sponsors. Major sponsors in 2023 include the Ulfig family, Tractor Supply Co. in Watertown, Farm & Fleet in Watertown, Dodge County Farm Bureau, and Compeer Financial. We are grateful for the support of all Supreme Showmanship sponsors!
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