9/3/23 FDL Standoff Incident
3 September 2023 News
A 25-year-old Fond du Lac man was placed in emergency detention following a standoff incident with Fond du Lac Police and Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies Friday evening. Police were dispatched to the 400 block of North Hickory Street after receiving a call about a man who was intoxicated, suicidal, and was armed with a shotgun. The 911 caller, a family member, was able to safely exit the residence through a window. Authorities learned other family members may be inside. A Fond du Lac Police Community Response Social Worker was able to establish phone contact with the despondent man. The worker was able to talk the man into exiting the residence without the shotgun. He was taken into protective custody and treated for a minor cut to his hand. He is not facing criminal charges.
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