9/26/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday
26 September 2023 News
A jury-trial is being rescheduled for a 63-year-old Fox Lake man suspected of causing a fatal traffic accident in Green Lake County three years ago. Carlton Schley, Sr. (pictured) is charged with second degree reckless homicide and second-degree reckless injury. Charges stem from an accident that occurred on July 22nd, 2020, at the intersection of County Highway A and Hickory Drive in the Town of Mackford. According to the criminal complaint Schley was operating a John Deere tractor sprayer with booms and failed to stop at a stop sign on Hickory Drive. A Toyota RAV4 driven by a 73-year-old man struck the tractor sprayer killing him and injured the 72-year-old woman who was his passenger. The jury trial was originally scheduled for last week, but during a hearing on September 15th, the court granted a motion from Schley’s attorney for a continuance for the trial. The victim and her family have asked the court for a speedy disposition to the matter.
Washington County Sheriff’s officials say a 35-year-old Milwaukee man trying to flee on foot from the scene of a traffic stop in the Village of Germantown tripped over his own pants Sunday night. A deputy and a Germantown Police officer were struggling to take the man into custody when a passenger from the vehicle, a 19-year-old Milwaukee woman, joined the fray. Both the man and woman were eventually taken into custody. The Milwaukee man struck his head on the curb when he tripped and was taken to a hospital for evaluation before he was taken to the county jail. Both are facing multiple charges. The man was wanted on a felony warrant that had been in the system for three years. The traffic stop for suspended registration was at County Line Road and Falls Parkway.

The Ripon Common Council Monday night voted unanimously to remove the truck route from Griswold Street. Two women who live on Griswold Street spoke during the public comment section of the meeting in favor of removing the street as a truck route. Both talked about the amount of truck traffic. One said she and her children spend a lot of time outside so the heavy trucks going through concern her. City Manager Adam Sonntag said they had spoken to officials with the county and township and the street is in the city’s jurisdiction. Trucks turning south on Metomen Street onto Griswold Street have struck 3 fire hydrants over the past two years at that corner. The most recent incident resulted in a water main break and sinkhole. There will be exceptions for example for implements of husbandry and farm equipment. Weight limits of 10 tons on the street would prohibit most truck traffic from using Griswold as a short cut between the state highway and County Highway E. The prohibition of truck traffic on Griswold Street will go into effect once the appropriate signage will be installed. The signs will be installed all the way out to County Highway KK.
The Waupaca County Emergency Notification System, CodeRED, will be tested Thursday at 2 pm to validate telephone numbers in Waupaca County’s database. Officials say there is no need to take action if you receive the call. Emergency personnel are merely testing the system to ensure it is operational as needed, and to encourage additional residents to enroll to receive future notifications. The process helps continually improve the system. Testing increases the efficiency of the system and speed at which notifications will be delivered during an actual emergency. Sheriff’s officials invite residents to visit their website to update contact information. If your phone number is not in the database, you will not receive a call when they launch an important notification.
North Fond du Lac Police kick off the first part of their community educational series tomorrow night. Up first they will cover scammers and how they spoof phone numbers, use phone calls, emails, text messages, social media, and other platforms to try and steal your personal information. If they get that information, they could get access to your email, social media, bank, or other accounts. They could also sell your information to other scammers. Thousands of scams are launched every day and often enough they are successful. North Fond du Lac Police Officer Joel Jaeger will give the presentation, which will be at 6:30 pm at Divine Savior Lutheran Church at 1081 Prospect Avenue in North Fond du Lac.
Winnebago County Supervisors will be working on the County’s 2024 Budget next month. The process begins in July and August when department heads submit their budget requests to the County Executive who reviews them and assigns them to appropriate committees for their review. County Supervisor Jacob Floam says committee members can’t take any action on the Budget but can pass along their own recommendations to the County Board. Floam says this time they have more state shared revenue to help with costs, but they need to be judicious in how they spend it. Floam says his objectives for the budget are to be prudent with taxpayer dollars and avoid having to create a county sales tax to help with revenues.
Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s next Envision University workshop “Press Release 101” will show participants how to write and share a press release to get their message out to the public. Joe Venhuizen is the Vice President of Membership and Resource Development for Envision. He says getting the attention of news sources can be difficult if a press release isn’t prepared correctly. Venhuizen says it is just as important to correctly identify a distribution channel that is appropriate for your business’s message. He says people get their news through a number of sources but it’s fragmented with not enough central sources for local news and social media uses algorithms designed to suit particular tastes. The workshop will be from 10 am to Noon on Monday, October 9th in the Boardroom of Envision’s Fond du Lac offices. The cost is $5 for members and $50 for nonmembers. Those who are interested can register at Envision’s website.
Events (envisiongreaterfdl.com)

Fond du Lac County has a couple of openings for dispatchers in its County Communications Center. Communications and Emergency Management Director Amy Haase says there are a couple of minimum requirements for the job. You need to have a high school education, pass a typing test, and have a strong desire to help the public. She says you may be dealing with callers who are upset, hysterical or aren’t aware of their location. Haase says you need to have the ability to set that aside and calm that person down. Often you would be dealing with someone who may be dealing with one of the worst days of their life. Dispatchers work 6 days on and 3 days off eight-hour days, with the possibility of overtime. Those who are interested can find more information at the Fond du Lac County website under job openings.
In connection with National Diabetes Month, SSM Health Greater Fond du Lac is hosting a free diabetes management and prevention fair from 5 to 7 pm on Wednesday, November 8th. The event is scheduled at SSM Health St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac in its Plaza Level Conference Center. The fair provides ongoing community education that promotes optimal diabetes self-management, which reduces risks and/or slows progression of long-term complications related to diabetes. Participants who are border line diabetics can also learn tips on preventing diabetes and living a healthier lifestyle. In addition to various exhibitors sharing different resources and products, the fair will feature keynote presentations on pre-diabetes and diabetes care, as well as door prizes. Registration can be done online at SSM Health.com.
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