8/23/23 Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday
23 August 2023 News
The Waupaca County Sheriff’s Office has released the name of the pilot who was killed when his airplane crashed at the Central County Airport while landing there Saturday afternoon. Seventy-eight-year-old Bruce Flannery (pictured) of Gladstone, Michigan was killed when his single engine plane overturned while landing. He was a retired teacher who had taught in schools in Michigan and Maine. According to his obituary he had a passion for aviation which included rebuilding and repairing antique aircraft. He is survived by his wife Donna, three children, and two grandchildren, and a brother.
An Iola couple is being charged with neglecting a child causing death for the death of their 2-year-old daughter. The charge was brought against 27-year-old Emily Ferg and 30-year-old Cody Deschler in Waupaca County court. Prosecutors allege the couple knew a homemade bed was unsafe for the toddler that became stuck between the slats and died. According to the criminal complaint the couple was taking a nap on June 12th when their daughter slid feet-first through the slats of her loft bed, which was 3 feet off of the floor. The girl’s shoulders didn’t fit through the slats. The bottom half of her body dangled over the bed. An autopsy determined she died from asphyxiation. Prosecutors contend the couple couldn’t hear if there were cries for help because they were asleep and a TV was on in the child’s room. Ferg designed the bed with Deschler’s help. She told investigators she knew the girl’s head would fit through the slats but it never occurred to her the toddler’s shoulders would become stuck between them. The couple will make their initial court appearance next Tuesday.
A Winnebago County judge Tuesday denied a motion for a jury from outside the county to hear the case of a 53-year-old Oshkosh man suspected of driving a powerboat that crashed into a paddlewheel cruise boat. Judge Michael Gibbs rejected that motion from the attorney for Jason Lindemann who is facing 17 charges for the collision on July 9th, 2022. The crash between the 38-foot powerboat and the paddlewheel boat on the Fox River caused significant damage to the paddlewheel boat and led to a variety of injuries for some of the 44 people who were on board. Other motions considered yesterday addressed medical records of victims, the completeness of video evidence gathered in the case, and the admissibility of witness statements.
The Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Board have denied a permit for a proposed sand mine near Iola. The Board met Tuesday morning and voted 3 to 2 against issuing of the permit. The county zoning board held a public hearing on the permit last month that ran 5 ½ hours. Last October residents received a letter from Faulks Brothers Construction and the Iola Car Show. It explained the project which would have involved the removal of sand and gravel to construct level parking lots in six different areas of the car show property. Faulks Construction would have needed to open a pit to extract and process the materials. Two parcels of land would have been affected by the excavations: the larger was in the Town of Scandinavia and the smaller one in the Village of Iola. Opponents had concerns about groundwater, potential blasting and crushing of rocks, and loss of wildlife. The project would have taken more than 10 years to finish.
The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office is urging Lomira residents to lock all doors and windows. The Sheriff’s Office now provides policing for the village and they have received reports of suspicious activity and break-ins occurring throughout the area. Sheriff Dale Schmidt recommends locking doors and windows for homes, vehicles, and outbuildings. Don’t leave valuables in vehicles. He also encourages anyone who sees something suspicious to report it to law enforcement. Schmidt says they will check those reports out. Other suggestions include keeping an eye on your neighbor’s homes, property, and vehicles especially if people are there when the owners aren’t.
With extremely high temperatures in southern Wisconsin for the next few days the state’s Department of Transportation is reminding drivers that conditions could create pavement buckling. Very hot conditions can cause slabs of pavement to expand and push against each other. If the pressure becomes great enough, the pavement can buckle and create unexpected bumps or dips. The DOT recommends slowing down, buckling up and focusing your full attention on the roadway. Watch for slowing traffic and be ready to move over for all roadside workers, including highway crews as they repair damaged pavement.

The Coloma Fire Department has purchased 24 new self-contained breathing apparatus units and face pieces. The purchase was made possible through funds provided by the federal Assistance to Firefighters Grant program. They were able to obtain over $180,000 from the grant program to purchase the air packs. The Scott air packs replace obsolete and non-functional air packs, most of which were over 20 years old. The air packs will allow firefighters to conduct interior firefighting operations, extinguish fires and rescue trapped individuals from fires more efficiently and safely. The new packs were placed into service at Station 1 Monday night and will be on Station 2 trucks next Monday. (Coloma Fire Department photo).
Fond du Lac County Executive Sam Kaufman says very preliminary discussions have been held about building a new county jail. The County has extra land on South Hickory Street in Fond du Lac where the Highway Department is located. Kaufman says initial thought was to build it there, but as far as discussions about it only basic discussions have been held with the Sheriff’s Department. He says they will need to get the county board and public involved when they are ready to take a serious look at building a new jail. Kaufman says cost will be a large factor in building a new jail and they will have to consider how they will be paying for that. He envisions when it is time to appoint an ad-hoc committee to study the issue and come up with recommendations for the county board to consider.

The Fond du Lac County farm that was supposed to host Breakfast on the Farm two months ago will benefit from another breakfast next month. Forest Ridge Holsteins owned by the Loehr family was supposed to host the June Dairy Breakfast but a week before the breakfast four barns and an office at the farm south of Dotyville were destroyed by fire. Rae Nell Halbur is on the organizing committee for the Saturday, September 16th Breakfast Fundraiser at Winnebago Lutheran Academy in Fond du Lac. She says Kurt and Sarah, Randy & Ellen Loehr are recovering as best they can, but you have to understand that on a dairy farm the barns are where everything happens. She says fortunately none of the 100 cows on the farm perished in the fire. In addition to their own the Loehrs boarded cows for others. The country style breakfast is from 8 am to Noon that Saturday with silent and live auctions. Rather than charging for tickets the organizers are asking for a free-will offering. (Forest Ridge Holsteins Facebook photo).
A bill State Representative Jon Plumer co-authored brings the state into alignment with Federal standards and allows farm CDL holders up to 210 days instead of the current 180. The Governor signed it into law this session. Plumer says the bill made sense and will make a difference in the state’s agriculture. It extended the planting and harvest season on the CDLs. The state lawmaker from Lodi says these license holders are only using their licenses to haul goods from harvest to plants to be processed. Plumer says the bill had bipartisan support and supports the state’s agricultural industry which is estimated to have a $104.8 billion economic impact on the state. The state’s Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection says food processing activity contributes $82.7 billion to industrial sales.
On Friday, September 1st GO Transit bus service in Oshkosh will offer a “Free Ride Day” for fixed route transit service. It is an opportunity to thank current riders and encourage the public to discover how safe and convenient riding public transit is with a free ride. This year’s “Free Ride Day” also happens to fall on the first day of school for students in the Oshkosh Area School District. District students will have free rides for the entire 2023-2024 school year, but students in grades 6 to 12 are reminded to obtain a GO Transit Student Pass ID in order to ride for free. Student Pass IDs are available through the GO Transit Office at 926 Dempsey Trail.
Fond du Lac County offices in the Fond du Lac City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac, the Sheriff’s Office lobby window, Department of Social Services, Portland Street Annex and Highway Department will be closed all day on Monday, September 4th Labor Day. The Moraine Lakes Consortium call center will also be closed all day that day.
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